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(A/N)  Hey, sorry I haven't been updating my books. I've been really busy and just haven't had the motivation. But maybe I'll be able to update Quiet Breaths later? Idk. We'll see.

Anyway, happy pride month! What are your pronouns? :>


Jack: Fight me!

Adam and Ryan, standing behind him while holding knives: *Mouths* Do not.


Jack: I am not out of control! I am a law abiding citizen!

Adam: Really? Name one law.

Jack: ........ Don't kill people?

Adam: That's on me. I set the bar too low.


Jack, blissfully: During mine and Alba's first date, she gave me twenty dollars. No one told her to and I didn't ask, but that's just the kind of person she is.

Alba: I didn't realize it was a date. I just thought he was homeless.


Judge: For your crimes, I sentence you to 68 years in prison.

Ryan: Can you....

Ryan: c-can you add one more year to that?


Adam: Guys! I told you, no instruments at the dinner table!

Jack, rolling his eyes: You said the breakfast table!



Adam: You took a three-hour nap yesterday?

Ryan: I was tired from the marathon, okay?

Adam: You mean the Downton Abbey marathon?

Ryan: That family is exhausting.


Adam: That raccoon is back in my kitchen.

Ryan: I'll get the nuts.

Jack: I'll get the net.

Austin: Guys, guys.... Just call animal control. Please.


Jack: Heh... Are you checking me out?

Random person: No??

Jack, trying to hold back tears: WHY NOT?


Adam: Ry...

Ryan: Oh no, Ry in b-flat.

Ryan: You're disappointed.


Ryan: Let's go to a party! It'll be fun!

Adam: No thanks, I like being miserable.

Ryan: Maybe we could just find you a friend to be miserable with?


Jack: I'm not saying I need constant validation but...

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