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(A/N) We're almost to the end of this book, lol.

Anyway, what song are you most excited to hear on OKO?

I think Humpty Dumpty sounds pretty interesting, and also Joe.


Ryan: I think I accidentally joined a cult.


Ryan: I am now leader of said cult.


Adam: Jack! What the hell are you doing?!

Jack, pouring gasoline around a car while holding a lighter: They took my parking spot.

Adam: So..... Your solution is arson??

Jack: *Turns on the lighter* Obviously.

Ryan: Kinda seems like an overreaction.

Adam: Then why are you helping him?!?

Ryan: tHey tOOK hiS pArKinG sPoT, ADaM!


(Before a concert)

Jack: We all look very good tonight.

Adam: You know, if you just told Ryan and I we looked nice, we would've said "you too".

Jack: I couldn't take that risk.


Ryan: Was that really necessary?

Jack: No, but it was dope. *Flips on sunglasses*

Adam: You pushed them off the building!


Adam: *Looking at pictures of Jack's dead body with police*

Adam: Wait, what happened to his shirt?

Police: We believe he removed it when he challenged that pack of wolves.



(When they were kids)

Ryan: Okay, I've called you all to this meeting because some us don't seem to be getting along very well.



Jack: Adam and I are literally the only ones you called here.


Ryan: Look, all I'm saying is that Cars 2 Mater was the hottest.

Adam: Could you please THINK before you speak?

Jack: Yeah, McQueen was clearly the hottest, Ry.

Adam: I want to die.


Jack: Alba, you're so short what can you even see down there?

Alba: Your IQ.

Adam and Ryan: *Dying of laughter*


Ryan: Did you hear about that guy who was paralyzed after eating 413 chicken nuggets?

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