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(A/N) Chapter dedicated to the beautiful heycamila18.
(Love you, everything will get better, I promise) <3

Anyway, what's your least fav song on OKO?


(In the future when Winter was born)

Jack: I love that babies ball their hands up into fists all the time.

Jacm: Winter, you can't even sit up yet, who you gonna fight? I support it completely, but who are you going after? Who's trying you?


Ryan, calling Adam: What are you doing later?

Adam: Having my night ruined by whatever you're about to ask me to do.

Ryan, covering the phone and turning to Jack: I have a feeling he doesn't want to dress up as a donkey for this music video.


Jack: Astrology is fun because I can pretend that all of my behaviors are just a result of being a Leo and not symptoms of mental illness.

Adam: Being a Leo is a mental illness.


Adam: Ryan is my best and smartest brother.

Austin: Your best and smartest brother is currently shoving a fork in the outlet while Jack's watching.


Jack: Not to be dramatic or anything, but I'll literally die for Ryan.

Adam: Same.

Ryan, nervously laughing: Please don't.


Some person in the music industry: You three are the most incompetent band I've ever seen, did you know that?

Jack: In our defense, we actually did know that.


Jack: Aww, babe! You had a crush on me?

Jack: That's embarrassing.

Alba: We're dating.

Jack: Yeah, but still....


(Adam, trying to prank people for april fool's)

Adam: It's kinda like hava.

Ezra: What's hava?



Adam: Gottem.


(At church)

Jack and Ryan, laughing to themselves: Now from the top-

Jack: Jesus

Ryan: Drops!

Adam: Now that's some wap.


Ryan: Do you miss the imagination of childhood?

Adam: I never had one.

Ryan: An imagination or a childhood?


Adam: Those who say I "pick favorites" are wrong.

Adam: I love my brothers and not-brothers equally!


Adam: I hate this song.

Ryan: Well, you gotta admit, it is pretty catchy.

Adam: That doesn't mean it's good, because you know what else was catchy?

Jack: The bubonic plague?

Adam: Yes, the bubonic plague.


Ryan: This is what we get when we put our heads together!

Jack and Ryan, bonking their heads together: LICE!


Jack: Thanks for not saying "I told you so."

Adam: When you're as right as I am, you don't have to say it.

Jack: Shut up.


Jack: Did you know, that atoms never touch each other?


Jack: And since we're made of atoms,


Jack: We've never touched anything in our entire lives.



Jack: So to answer your question, no I did not punch that child-


Adam: Back when Jack was born, the doctor said "everything seems to be good, he has a brain!"

Adam: And not a lot of people know this, but it was actually opposite day. The doctor told us before hand that Jack didn't have a brain, and now it's too late to give him back so now we're stuck with him.



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