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(A/N) yeah, this is the last chapter.
Did y'all enjoy this book?


Adam: Jack's been kidnapped, so we need to-

Ryan: Do you really wanna save him, though?

Adam: ....Good point.


Adam: Does anyone know how to relax? Asking for a friend.


Adam, sighing: Why are you so goddamn lazy?

Jack: Lazy is such a strong word....

Jack: I like to call it "selective participation."


Ryan: I'm a serial killer. How does that make you feel?


Jack: Do you take requests?


Person: How did you guys ever obtain any muscles?

AJR: Wii sports.


(When Adam visits Jack and Ryan)

Adam: You've challenged me to a fight six times since we've started talking.



Jack: What's the expression? Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, fiddle-dee-dee?

Ryan: No, no, it's: fool me once, I'll be fooled for a day. Teach me how to fool people and I'll be fooled the rest of my life.

Jack: Really? I could've sworn it went more like: fool me once, fool me twice, fool me chicken soup with rice!

Adam, close to tears:


Adam, rolling his eyes: I think you overestimate how much I care.

Ryan: I think you underestimate how much you actually care.

Adam, crying: Pfft, whatever.


(At a party)

Ryan: Aren't you supposed to be keeping an eye on Jack? He's already way too drunk.

Adam: He's fine, he's over there entertaining the barista.


Jack: All women are at least 30% attracted to me. My mother cried the day I was born because she knew she could never be better than me. At any given moment, I am thinking about one thing: Richard Dreyfuss, hunkered over, eating dogfood. I feel like I am the Paris of people. I'm exquisite.


Jack: Why do boys call other boys "pretty boy" as an insult??? That's probably the most flattering thing anybody could say to me. Call me pretty boy. Tell me I'm the prettiest boy you've ever seen.


(When they were kids)

Jack: One day I'm going to say the f*ck word and you'll all be sorry!

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