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(A/N) Happy mother's day!

What's the most interesting fact abt AJR you've learned?


AJR fans: I wonder what Adam is thinking about! He's so quiet and cool!

Adam: *Wii music*



AJR twitter fans: Damn, your ass is fat. What are your pronouns?



(In the future)

Jack, babysitting Winter: You can say "please" and "thank you" and the toddler will never repeat it.

Jack: But if you say "ass-faced motherf*cker" one time-


Ryan: So apparently bananas are flammable.

Adam: Aren't you banned from the kitchen?!?


Ryan, texting Jack at 1am: S[he] be[lie]ve[d]

Ryan: He lied

Jack: Sbeve

Ryan: No! Let me be poetic!



Jack: What do you mean there's other stages of grief other than denial?


Ryan: I got 100% on my assignment.

Adam: That's great! Congra-

Ryan: It was effort-based.

Adam: Oh.

(Just cuz we all know Jack wouldn't even make an effort)


Adam: What were you thinking?!

Jack: I wasn't thinking, I swear!


Ryan: Sorry, guys. I think I need to be alone right now.


Ryan: Thanks for being alone with me, guys.

Adam and Jack: Of course, bro.


Jack: Ry, am I stupid?

Ryan: No!! You're doing just fine! <3

Jack: Adam, am I stupid?

Adam: I know five stupid people, and four of them are you.


Jack: I need to stab something.

Adam, sighing: If you do, please stab something unimportant.

Jack: *Stabs himself*

Adam: NO!


Ryan: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.

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