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(A/N) I'll be using Riley's name now.


(When Jack and Riley were kids)

Adam, taking them home from school: So how was your day?

Jack: We almost got surprise adopted!

Adam: What?

Riley: We almost got kidnapped.

Adam, stopping the car: WHAT?!


Riley: Jail's not fun, I can tell you that.

Cat: You've been to jail?!

Riley: Once, in monopoly.


(In the future when Jack is getting married)

His fiancée: Wait, is that my wedding gown?!

Jack, trying to do the splits in it: You mean OUR wedding gown?


Adam: Fool me once, I'm going to kill you.

Riley: I think we missed a few steps here.


Adam: Jack, you can't get everyone to like you. You're not Riley.

Jack: Not everyone likes Riley either.



Adam: I want names. Give me names right now.


Website: Make a password.

Adam: *Types "Jack"*

Website: This password is too weak.

Adam: Haha, I know.


Adam, during a tedtalk: Alright, any questions?

Riley: Why aren't there uppercase and lowercase numbers?


Adam: Valid question-


Jack: I love Riley so much, but I think I'm gonna draw a mustache on his face.

Adam: Don't forget to add the monocle.


Riley: We get about 500 emails and letters a day!

Adam: If you two would just pay your damn bills, then maybe you wouldn't get any.


AJR: We hate musicians.

Interviewer: But you ARE mu-

AJR: Did we f*cking stutter?


Jack: *Sighs dramatically*


Jack: *Sighs even louder*




Jack: Attention.


(Concert rehearsal)

Adam: Sorry I'm late.

Austin: What happened?

Adam: Nothing, I just really didn't want to come.


(Jack trying to get back at Adam and Riley for doing something)

Jack, talking really fast: Idiotsayswhat!

Adam: Excuse me?

Jack: What?




Jack: No wait-


Riley, throwing down his controller: Dang it! I lost again!


Jack: Do you want me to leave the room so you can say bad words?

Riley: Yeah, that would be nice.


Riley, trying to confuse Adam: The moon landing was fake!

Adam: Wait, you believe in the moon?

Riley: *Crying noises*


Adam: If you could have wings, what kind would you want?

Riley: Pancake.

Jack: Giraffe.

Adam: I'm not sure why I still talk to you guys.


Riley: I just want to be your friend.


Riley: Plus a little extra.

Riley: Also, I love you.


Ryan goes by Riley now you guys! Love ya!

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