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(A/N) Thanks for all the support! I really appreciate it <3

Anyway, onto this chapter-


Adam: What's upstairs?


Jack: .....Stairs can't talk..?


Jack: I've sent good vibes your way. They're coming and there's nothing you can do to stop them.

Ryan: This is the most threatening way I've ever been cheered up-


Adam: I am the smartest most skilled brother and-

Ryan: Is your hand stuck in that vending machine?

Adam: I paid for my gummy bears, I am getting my gummy bears.


Jack: I have an idea.

Adam: A good idea?

Jack: Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves.


Jack: *Climbing in through the window after sneaking out*

Adam: *Turns in chair* It's 3:07AM. Where were you?

Jack: Uh.... I was studying with Ryan.

Ryan, climbing out of the cabinets: Try again.


Austin: Wow, do you see what Jack's doing? It looks pretty dangerous

Adam: Whatever, I don't care.

Jack: *Almost falls off railing*

Adam, immediately rushing over to him: bE CAREFUL-


Their parents: Guess what! You're getting another brother!

Adam, already tired of just having Ryan: Please no.


Adam: When I die, my tombstone won't say RIP it will say VIP.

Jack: That's because they reserved a special place in hell for you.

Adam: Yeah, the throne.

Ryan: *Spits out his cereal*


Adam: I spy with my little eye someone who needs to shut up.

Jack: Is it me?

Adam: Yes, it's always you.

Jack: YAY! I WIN!


Jack: Hey, Ryan. Can you pass the salt?

Ryan: *Throws Adam across the table*


Ryan: Your honor, I would like to plead guilty and as well request the death penalty.

Adam: This- This is a parking ticket-


Adam: Jack, quick! The boat is sinking! We gotta climb out this hole in the wall.

Jack: So...... yOU tHinK I'M ✨sKiNNy✨


Ryan, sighing: Nobody loves me.

Jack, surprised: You sure?

Ryan: Yeah, absolutely.

Jack, grabbing Adam and pointing to him and Adam aggressively: YOU REALLY F*CKING SURE???



Adam: They're marigolds!

Jack, sniffling: I may not know my flowers, but I knOW A B*TCH WHEN I SEE ONE.


Serial Killer on the phone: You will die in seven days.

Ryan: Seven days?... Wait, can you make it in three? Yeah, I have a test on Monday and I ain't tryin' to be there.

Ryan: Hello? You still there?


Ryan: You know, we have a confession to make- We made up those songs on the spot!

Adam: Also, we killed a man together, six years ago in Nebraska.



Ryan: Ugh, I hardly slept last night.

Jack:  When you can't sleep, it means someone's thinking about you.

Ryan: Who the hell would be thinking about me at 3AM???

Every AJR Fan: *Sweats nervously*


(A/N) Hey! I hope y'all liked this, lol. Also, do you guys like the new song? I think it's awesome!

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