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Emily: If I died, how much would you miss me?

Adam: It's funny how you think death can get you out of this relationship.


Ryan: *screams*

Jack: *screams louder to establish dominance*

Adam: *also screams for that reason*

JJ: Should we do something?

Alba, observing: Nah, I wanna see who wins this.


Adam: *Wakes up in the middle of the night to see Jack an inch away from his face*

Jack: So we had this id--stop screaming--so we had this idea

Adam: What the hell??? Who's "we"???

Ryan, popping up beside Jack: We had this idea-

Adam, backing away: Dear god, there's two of them


Ryan: Any song can be depressing if you try hard enough

Jack: 🎶Where do we come from? Where do we go? Where do we come from? *Tears slowly slide down face* *whispers dramatically* cotton eye Joe...🎶

Adam: Stop. Get some help


Ryan: Go lie down, you're sick

Jack: If I was sick, could I do this?



Ryan: Do what?

Jack: Cartwheels. Am I not doing them?


Jack: I'm 80% exhaustion, 10% sarcasm, 20% don't care

Adam: That's 110%

Jack: 20% don't care

Adam: I should've seen that coming


Adam: Do you want to tell me how you two crashed the car?

Alba: Well, we were driving and there was this deer in the middle of the road that Jack couldn't see, so I yelled "Jack, deer!"


Alba: Do you want to tell him what your response was?


Jack: "Yes, honey?"


Jack: Do you guys know what people always ask me?

Adam: "Will you please leave the premises?"


Jack, knocking on Ryan's door: Can we go to a haunted house?!

Ryan: What's wrong with the one we live in?

Jack: Wait- WHAT?

Ryan: *Slowly closes his bedroom door*


Adam: I have high standards

Emily: Yo, I can drink this smoothie in two seconds

Adam: Oh no, you're meeting all my standards


Jack: Shout out to my parents for making the most perfect kid ever

JJ: Congratulations to your brother


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