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(A/N) I can't remember what incorrect quotes I've used, sorry. Also I'm trying to distract myself rn because gretchen_turningout would be sad if I hurt myself.

Anyway lmaoodisjsjd, what's the worst AJR lyric in your opinion?


Jack: *Falls on stage*


Jack: Make a wish, you just saw a falling star.




Jack: Also I broke my ankle.


Ryan: Bottling up negative emotions is bad for your health, so you shouldn't do it.

Adam: I know. That's why I bottle up all my emotions, both positive and negative, so it cancels it out.

Ryan: That's not how it works.


Jack, having a mental breakdown over school: I don't think I'm able to write this report before the deadline starts beatboxing.

Adam, who had been trying to help him: Wait what?


Manager, trying to fill out legal paperwork: Were you guys born AFAB or AMAB?

Ryan: I don't know what that means, haha.

Jack: Bold of you to assume I was born at all.


Ryan: My favorite acronym is BBQ.

Ryan: It stands for "blease be quiet."


Jack, admiring Alba from afar: She could end my life and I'd thank her for it.

Adam: I'd thank her for it, too.


Ryan: What's the story where they bring the monster alive and then have to destroy it?

Adam: Frankenstein?

Jack: Frosty the Snowman?


Adam: What are you afraid of?

Jack: Clowns.

Adam: Then stop looking in the mirror.


Jack: Shout out to water for keeping my throat sufficiently lubricated for optimal yodelling techniques.

Arnetta: That just kept getting weirder and weirder. Please don't speak to me again.


Ryan, ominously texting Adam: I'm in your apartment.....

Adam: ?!?

Ryan: I stole a bowl of cereal.


Ryan: English is a difficult language, but it can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.

AJR Incorrect QuotesWhere stories live. Discover now