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THE RENUION "MY BEAUTIFUL BETHANY" YOU GO DEREK, YOU THE REAL MVP. AND BETHANY YOU JUST THE MVP FOR LOOKING LIKE A REAL LIFE DISNEY PRINCESS. (But then again when have we ever seen a bad picture of Bethany, like forreal girl share your face) ANNNNDDDDDDD THANKS SO MUCH FOR 21K!!!!!!! 




Bethany sighed contently, feeling the wind flow through her loose curls, and her 'cape coat' as she called it. She looked over at Derek in the seat across from her, smiling widely when she saw him staring at her intently with a corners of his lips curled upwards.


"What?" She asked jokingly, "Is there something on my face?" She lifted her hand to wipe her face, stopping when she heard her boyfriend chuckle lately. She bumped her knee with his playfully, "What Derek?" Derek laughed at her and poked one of her dimples, "It's nothing, you're just beautiful."


Bethany laughed and put her head down, her cheeks turning a light pink color. Derek chuckled again and pushed her chin up to latch their eyes together, "I missed you so much. I missed everything about you. I missed the sweet scent of your perfume, I miss how frustrated you get when a curl doesn't stay in place, I miss the color of your lipstick, I miss that color of your cheeks when you blush." Derek pushed his lips to Bethany's, for the first time in weeks being able to kiss his girlfriend.


Bethany abruptly broke apart when heard snickering and felt a flash beyond her closed eyes. She shifted her gaze to the ground, hearing the group of girls make alternating comments between, 'They're so cute together' and 'Aren't they like 10 years apart, what a slut.'


She heard Derek sigh loudly and felt him push his chair back and get up. He had had enough of the constant comments every single time they moved all afternoon- but them trashing Bethany was the last line, and it certainly wasn't something he would leave alone without a confrontation.


Derek walked up to the table, causing the girl's to look up. They immediately freaked out, exclaiming to him that they loved him. Derek tried his best not to scoff, failing miserably. The girl's moods darkened, one looking at him with an edge. Derek looked her straight in the eye, knowing perfectly that she was the one who had hated on Beth. "If you truly loved me," he started, "You wouldn't hate on my girlfriend."


The girl's expressions turned sheepish as they looked at him, Derek just rolled his eyes and turned back to the table where he and Bethany had been sitting when he saw that it was empty. He frantically looked around and looked for her, he knew how insecure she could get, and he knew the consequences too.


Derek caught a glimpse of her light brown curls just outside the Starbucks they had been in and immediately rushed for it. After two months of not seeing each other, and since he knew the limited time he had with her before she left to her meet up, he knew he couldn't afford to lose her again.


He looked around frantically outside, turning his head in every direction, desperate for a glimpse of her. He caught her right before she could get into a taxi, a taxi that would take her away from him. He tried to ignore the pain that he felt in his chest when he saw a tear fall slowly down her eye. "C'mon babe."


Bethany reluctantly followed him all through the city, occasionally tightening her grip on his hand. Derek squeezed back trying to reassure her of them before they to his apartment. No words could describe Derek's relief at being back at his apartment with her, alone, without the abusive 'fans'.

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