Hotel Ceiling.

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I'm soooo sorry I hadn't updated lately but school is killing me. But annnywayysss regarding the show I don't plan to watch any of Nastia & Derek's performances, so far I'm really rooting for Noah & Sharna and Rumer & Val! Hope you guys enjoy this! P.S. This is my first time updating since Wattpad changed the format (which i hate) and it's not really working for me so bear with me!


Hotel Ceiling.

//I can see it coming round full circle my friend.

On the TV they said they had reported you dead.

It was my fault 'cause I could've sworn that you said,

It was easy to find another for your bed.//

Bethany could feel the wet tears as they slipped down her face. The uncontrollable sobs wracked her body for hours on end and she still wasn't even close to done. There was no way to escape it. The news was all over TV, stamped on every single magazine and newspaper in the country. It had gotten uncontrollable to the point where the only thing she could do was lay on her bed and cry. She wasn't able to go on the internet because all everybody was tweeting her was how sorry they were and while she needed that, she just wanted to forget about everything and wake up in his arms, a place that no longer existed.

Yesterday, wait. Was it yesterday? It could've been two days ago or even a week and nothing would change. She would still be just as broken. The point was that, on the TV in bright white letters lay the words: Derek Hough dead at 30 years old due to a car accident! Read to find out more!

At first she had refused to believe it. The media made up lies and death hoaxes all the time right? She knew that there was no way he was gone, so she texted him. No answer. She called him. No answer. Nothing, for hours, and it wasn't until much later that she built up the courage to find out. She called Julianne, the tears already streaming down her face without even knowing anything, her heart held in the pit of her stomach, expecting to hear that he was perfectly okay, expecting him to pick up the phone and tease her for being so worried for nothing, but he didn't pick up the phone, instead she received a crying Julianne on the other side of the line, and that was when she knew.

She dropped her phone and it shattered into pieces, but at this point she couldn't care less. The phone was a lot like her, in a million pieces, useless without him anymore. She closed her eyes as the tears started to stream out, needing to feel something other than what she feeling now. She needed to hear his laugh, or see his smile, or feel his arms around her, but she was alone. In her empty hotel room, she couldn't even feel his ghost.

Hours later she lay on her bed, the pillows around the room, the curtains on the floor, the vase in pieces along with her phone. She remembered the last time they talked and she regretted it so much.

The conversation had been about the much conversed topic of Justene, Derek's girlfriend and her newest escapade. Bethany knew that he deserved so much better than what he was getting, and he knew it too, but he hated that she was right and he didn't want to leave Justene even though he knew very well that the only person that could and would ever be perfect for him was Bethany.

She remembered the last words he had spoken to her in his anger, "It's easy to find another for my bed Bethany."

At that time her only answer had been throwing a pillow in his direction. At the time she had hated his words, but right now she was desperate to hear those words again, even if he spoke them the same way he had the first time.

//How does it feel to leave me this way,

When all that you have's been lost in a day?

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