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What?! Two prompts in one day?! Lol, this is a collab I did with the incredible @teammotough and lemme just say that her writing is literally amazing! Hope you guys like this and thanks once again for all the support!



It was a simple come over text that led me to where I am now. 5,000 feet in the air, to be exact. My stomach was in knots, and quite honestly, I felt like I was going to throw up at any moment. I dropped everything, just to fly out to see him. It had been weeks, if not months, since we last talked. He was done with the spring spectacular and Dancing With the Stars, and his schedule was the clearest it had ever been before he met and started dancing with me. We needed this. We needed to see each other. I needed to see him.

//Boy, so what's been on your mind?

For me, it's just you all the time//

The lights in the studio were bright, the music low. It was 10 pm, if not later when Derek rejoined her in the studio. He had received a message from Mark when he left, saying that Bethany was alone in the studio hardly dancing. Of course, being the protective person he is, he ran to her. Her eyes were wide when he appeared in front of her, sweatpants and all. They had called off rehearsal close to 6 hours ago, so why she was here confused them both. Derek could see the fear, if not frustration in her eyes. He had grown to know that over the past two weeks. She on the other hand was not frustrated with the dance, but with herself. She wanted to be with him. She had a crush on him, but she couldn't have him and she knew that.

//We don't need to go nowhere tonight

It's you and I, we'll be alright//

It was the night of their Viennese Waltz, her hair curled perfectly. Derek had no idea about her previous heartbreak. He made it his night's mission to find out. Little did he know, he was the reason. She sat perfectly still in her trailer, her costume behind her. The show had ended, and here she still was. The tears were like a river. They flooded her face. Her once perfect makeup was everywhere. The almost silent knock scared her, but caused her to relax a little when she realized it was him.

His eyes searched hers, looking for some sort of answer to the reason behind her crying. He wanted to believe that it wasn't him, but he knew it was. She barely held his hand that night, or talked to him without a group of people around. He knew what she wanted, it was what he longed for. It was an all too familiar feeling in his stomach, the feeling of guilt. He wanted her to be happy, but he couldn't give that to her. He knew she loved him and he wanted to love her back, but he couldn't. Not with the lives that they lived.

//I'll give you everything

You don't owe me anything

So are you ready, baby?//

She had never had a real relationship before, not one where she was cared about the way Derek cared for her. She had never craved something so much in her life. But she craved him. She wanted him. She needed him. Every time they were anywhere near each other, she needed to see him.

Everyone could see it. They could see the way the two of them looked at each other, the way they held hands, the way they loved each other. They were scared. They would always be scared, of their feelings, of what the world would say, of what they would say. So they chose to live like this. Secret meetings, secret phone calls, secret kisses. They were fooling themselves. And only themselves.

//You got me screaming

My my my ma-ma my my

And then I'm like, oh, your love'

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