One Last Time.

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Wattpad literally has to get their crap together, all my spacing is messed up now and it won't let me fix it and uughhhhhhhhhhh. Though Wattpad is being ridiculious here's a prompt that was recommended a couple of times I hope you guys like it!


One Last Time. 

//I was a liar

I gave in to the fire

I know I should've fought it

At least I'm being honest

Feel like a failure

'Cause I know that I failed you

I should've done you better

'Cause you don't want a liar//

The New York air pierced her skin as she walked out of the hotel, and he instantly brought the coat closer to her until she was in the car. As she looked out into the city, and saw the endless billboards for the new season of Dancing with the Stars or Broadway, she couldn't help but miss him, Derek Hough that is.

Months ago, Dancing with the Stars had ended, as had they. They had a short lived relationship during the time they were on the show, but all that had to come to end after the show. They couldn't keep pretending like they were for real, like they could possibly have a shot at forever when they both very well knew that they didn't. She remembered the crushed look on his face that last morning in this very same city as they got into separate cars after Good Morning America.

They had both been dreading the moment. All throughout the show they dancing around what they had, what the rest of the world knew that they had, until the friction was too much. They couldn't just stay away from each other like it was nothing. You couldn't possibly expect them to stay away when you saw their sexually and emotionally charged rehearsals, when you saw the way that Derek held her during the show, the way that words passed through their eyes like telepathy, everybody could see it.

But in that moment it all came crashing down, and they both zapped out of the fairytale they had been living in for the past three months. They wouldn't ever be able to reveal what they had to the world; there was too much a risk. The world had built a stereotype for what you both deserved, and it wasn't each other. Bethany apparently deserved another Youtuber by her side and Derek, they didn't really know what he deserved but they made it clear that it wasn't a 19 year old girl.

So she lied to him, as they stood huddled together, she lied. The tears had been streaming down her face as she savored the last minutes she would have with him for a while. In her heartbreak, Derek pressed his lips to her temple, kissing her as many times as he could before the moment came, and in his pressure to show her just how much he cared, he did it. He had whispered the worlds 'I love you.', softly into her ear, meaning it so much more than he should. He had felt her body tense up, so he pressed another kiss to her face, dangerously close to her lips, needing her to know that he meant it.

That was the first time she had ever thought about the stereotypes the world put on Derek's perfect girl, that's when she realized that it wasn't her, so she lied. To protect him, she told herself. She had moved his hands away from her face and stepped away, shaking her head, and even now Bethany could still see the heartbreak in his eyes everytime she closed her own.

She knew that he deserved better, she wanted to give him that chance, but now it hurt so badly. All she ever wanted was to make him proud, but she failed him as she gave into the fire of the media. But maybe he was okay now, maybe he forgot about her, or didn't care, because he very well knew, just as much as she did that he didn't deserve a liar.

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