England Skies.

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Soooo sorry I left you guys literally waiting like a year for a new prompt but here's one! Not my best but I loved the song and I loved writing a prompt to my favorite lyric on it!! Thanks so much for all the support, y'all are the best!


England Skies. 

'She's used to grey England skies. Cloudy days and colder nights.'

Bethany rubbed her hands on her shoulders as she tried to warm herself up. She should be used to the increasingly cold weather, but she can't find herself to get used to it even after seven months of living in London.

The warm weather wasn't the only thing she missed. Somewhere among her incredibly busy schedule she still found time for Derek Hough. No matter how tired she was at the end of the night, or no matter the fact that she woke up at 2am just to have a chance to talk to her old dance partner, there was always enough room in her life for him.

Two years after Dancing with the Stars had ended they were still in the same position that they started at, with nothing else to do but label their relationship with nothing but a big question mark. They teased each other like brother and sister, scolded each other like mother and son, but loved each other like lovers, which in a sense is what they were.

She still remembers that first night they spent together, that first incredible night. Granted it was due to alcohol that they both had sex in the first place, but every single time after that they were sober, getting drunk on each other instead of a drink.

They continued doing the same for months, promising each other that they would never let their feelings grow into more than what they already had. What they were doing was just sex, great sex, but sex, neither of them wanting to admit that they actually felt something towards the other.

At some point Bethany realized just how far into the deep end she was. She couldn't just kiss him without feeing the same butterflies in her stomach. She couldn't just smell his cologne and not think of all the times she'd worn his shirt with the same cologne on it with nothing on underneath. She couldn't just hear him tell her that he loved her in the heat of the moment when their clothes are flying off, she wanted him to mean it.

And little did she know that he did.

Everything was the same for Derek the same way it was for her. he knows by the way that she flinches that she doesn't believe him when he tells her that he loves her, the same way that he wouldn't believe her if she said that. But he does, he means it with all his heart.

Everytime he smells a hint of Chanel on Witney or Emma, he just remembers the same way it lingered on her skin even after she's sweaty after a long night of sex. That's what it was, just sex.

The morning after they woke up after doing it for the first time was eye opening. Bethany was pushed up against his body, their legs tangled underneath the sheets which Derek discovered promptly that they were both naked with not a shred of clothing on. He looks around the room to see their clothing thrown everywhere, and he feels his head pound his eyes widen as he realizes what he just did, what they had done.

He looks at Bethany and smiles as he sees just how peaceful she looks, dreading the moment that he tells her what they had just done in their drunken haze. Even with her messy hair strewn all over the pillow, her lips swollen from the night, her neck covered in countless love bites- she's the most stunning thing he'd ever and would ever see.

When she wakes up she's surprisingly calm, not remembering anything at all. But oddly enough though she doesn't remember anything, she knows that the night she spent with Derek Hough was probably one of the best she would ever spend in her life.

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