Sweet Nothing.

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Okay I know I said I wasn't going to upload as frequently but I really got into writing this and I actually kinda like it so I hope you guys like it as well, have a great day babes! And I know this isn't a song chapter but I decided to write the song because it's sort of what insprired me to write it, thanks again for all the support!


Sweet Nothing. 

Julianne watched her brother with careful eyes from across the room as he held Bethany's phone way higher than she could reach. She shared glances with her other sisters around the room, noticing how bright Derek's smile was and how loud and fulfilling his laugh was as he saw Bethany start to jump up to reach her phone to no avail.

Something was different about Derek tonight, he was happier. His eyes were shining brighter than ever before and his smile never once faltered on his face despite the grumpy attitude he had been walking around with ever since the season had ended.

Ever since the show ended, Julianne had noticed something about Derek- his spirits were always down. He was always lost in thought and was always too busy checking Beth's Instagram. The only time Julianne had seen him smile as much as he had on the show was the one time Beth had finally given in to his pleads and posted a dance wars video, much to his happiness. But after that the same Derek returned, the one that was always moping around on his phone.

Until tonight, there was no glimpse of that Derek. Bethany had surprised him and come to spend a week with the family in Nashville and since the moment he had seen Bethany all bundled up on the doorstep he was all laughs and smiles. He had been spending the night alternating between pulling Bethany to him in a tight embrace or pressing kisses to Bethany's cheek.

"Derek c'mon! Gimme my phone back!" Julianne chuckled as she saw Bethany jump again in attempts to reach her phone, only to be met with a chuckle from Derek. "Why are so short Beth?" Bethany rolled her eyes, "The same reason you're such an ass!" Derek laughed again as he finally brought the phone down and handed it to Bethany. He reached down to press a kiss to her forehead only to be met with air, "Kiss the air Hough." Derek laughed as he pulled Bethany over his shoulder, a squeal erupting from her.

She and her sisters once again exchanged glances. Even though this was the Derek they were used to, they couldn't help but be surprised at how happy he was with Bethany. They had seen it the whole night.

During dinner not once did Derek remove his hand from her knee and anybody could see the joy in his eyes as she talked about how amazing their journey on Dancing with the Stars had been. It was the first time that Bethany had met anybody from the family besides Julianne, but she had already been welcomed into the family, by all of them.

Not once did Derek ever bring home a dance partner, much less to meet the whole family, but then again something was different about Bethany, it was something they could all see even just from their television screens as they sat watching from the couch every Monday night.

There was always one time on the show that Derek would get into a fight with his partner, always, but Bethany broke that streak. It would usually happen when Derek would have creative block and his partners were always left to figure things out. They usually had a big outburst, but it wasn't the case with Bethany. All she had to do was shoot him a dimpled smile to calm him down.

They had the chemistry that Derek hadn't ever had with a dance partner. Julianne had to restrain herself from saying it multiple times on the show knowing what a huge outburst it would cause. But what she didn't discuss on the show, she discussed with her sisters and they all agreed. There was no better match for their brother than Bethany Mota.

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