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Life, Beth decided has a soundtrack. Music just defined moments in life, good or bad. There would always be a song to transport you back in time.

Bethany wouldn't ever be able to hear 'Shake It Off' without thinking of what journey that very song started for them, and not just their journey on the show, but journey of life in the same way that Derek couldn't listen to 'Revolution' without thinking about how that song ended their time on the show, but began a whole lifetime with them together.

Neither of them would ever be able to listen to 'Say You Love Me' without thinking of what that week brought them. Between confessions of love and light kisses, they were 100% that would be the first song they would ever dance to as husband and wife.

And much to Beth's dismay, Derek would never forget the way he saw Bethany dancing to 'Bootylicious', knowing every word and step of the dance, bringing to Beth's attention that it wasn't really the best idea to get drunk around Derek unless she wanted a video of her doing something stupid (or just really great sex).


'Say You Love Me' was their song.

It was the song that marked their first confessions of their feelings for each other.

It was the song that Derek chose to quote the night he proposed to her ("God you're so cheesy. Why did I agree to marry you?" "Because you love me. Now shut up and kiss me.")

And Bethany had even walked down the aisle to it, much to Witney's dismay. (Witney had been so excited about helping Bethany plan a traditional wedding and had almost had an aneurism when she found out Beth's plans- but Beth stood her ground. They were after all, one of the most untraditional couples in the world, and they were both sticking to their guns)

It was the song that Derek used to butter her up, or when she was mad at him.

Flash forward a couple of years and they're singing it as a lullaby to their kids as the baby lies in the crib, and it becomes a staple song to play on long road trips (or anywhere really).

It was their song, but it wasn't their only song.


Ever since the very beginning of their relationship they'd realized that they didn't have the most ideal or flexible schedules, Beth's specifically. Every other month Beth would be in a different country, making it extremely hard for them to communicate. But they'd both long ago decided that distance wasn't going to be the reason that what they felt would have to stop and they'd promised to try.

Skyping at night wasn't their only form of contact, but it was certainly their favorite. They both got to see each other, hear each other's voices right before they went to sleep and had even annoyingly become the couple to fall asleep the computers on have a sense of falling asleep next to each other. And just seeing the other after having to spend the majority of the time apart, was all that they could ask for.

"Hey babe!" Derek yells at the computer screen one night in June.

"Hey!" She answered back, with that smile she reserved only for him.

Derek knew Bethany like the palm of his hand and could always see beneath what her facial expressions were but this was smile was real and at times, as ridiculous as it sounded, he still needed a moment to catch his breath.

Now Bethany smiled just about every second of everyday, but this smile was different, and he had been the only person on the receiving end, and that was what made it so special. And because of that reason Derek donned 'Sparks Fly' by Taylor Swift their anthem. And Beth couldn't decide if that was incredibly adorable, or incredibly cheesy.

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