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Bethany sat on the couch with Derek's arm around her. They were waiting for Briddy to drop off Marin. It was her wedding anniversary and Beth had agreed to watch Marin, completely forgetting that she had already made plans with Derek. But he being the sweetheart he was, wanted to help Beth watch Marin.


They heard the doorbell and Beth rushed to get it. She opened the door to reveal an excited Briddy and a very bundled up Marin. Bethany quickly rushed to pick up the little girl and give her a big kiss on the cheek, Marin giggled and immediately reached for Derek who she had no idea was behind her. Marin loved Derek, and he loved her right back.


They both wished Briddy a great evening and told her to not worry about Marin. Beth shut the door, immediately rushing to take Marin out of Derek's hands. He jumped back with an amused look on his face, "It's my turn babe." Bethany lightly glared at him walking to the sofa. Derek followed her, talking to Marin. He laughed at her little giggles. He really truly loved Marin as much as Bethany did.


He set her down on the floor to crawl around. He immediately sat down on the floor to make sure nothing would happen to her. Despite being annoyed about not holding Marin, Bethany couldn't help but coo at how cute he was with her. He treated her like she was his own; Beth couldn't wait to see him with their kids.  Derek almost as if reading her mind, turned to her with a big smile, and leaned up to press a big kiss on her forehead. "Pretty soon it'll be our baby." Derek said, happiness evident in his voice.


Beth laughed at him, "What makes you think I want kids?" Derek looked at her with wide eyes, Beth laughed at loud. "I'm kidding calm down, of course I want kids." Derek smiled at her, his initial worry fading. He couldn't imagine not having any kids, and he knew Bethany would be the perfect mom. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Marin let out a shrill yell. He and Bethany immediately stood up to pick her up, Bethany reaching her first. "What's wrong baby?" Marin continued to cry, and Beth realized she had scraped her knee while trying to walk. Marin had been trying to walk for a while, but she never completely did it.


Derek walked up to Marin and took her in his arms, immediately soothing her. Beth shot him a smile while putting a Band-Aid on Marin. "We're good parents." Bethany said, "Not even an hour into parenthood and the baby already got hurt." Derek laughed at her and put his arm around her waist guiding her back to the couch.


Marin had resorted to playing with Bethany's hair, tugging a little too hard on the tight curls. Derek released her grip on the curls and instead jumped her up a little causing Marin to go into a fit of giggles. If this was what parenthood was like, then he was sure ready for a baby.


"I'm ready too." Bethany said, almost reading his mind. Derek looked at her, his eyes shining. He leaned down to kiss her. They both smiled into the kiss, breaking apart when Marin yelled out.


Bethany laughed, "How about we leave the baby making for another time?" Derek pretended to pout and pulled Marin closer to his chest. They all concentrated on the movie, Derek and Beth giggling on how into the movie Marin was.


Marin and Beth ended up falling asleep halfway through the movie. Derek chuckled and pulled both of them up in arms taking them to the bedroom. He pulled the covers over them and took out his phone to take a picture not being able to resist how cute they were. He snapped the picture and immediately posting it on Instagram with the caption: I love these two girls. The Motough shippers went crazy immediately causing Derek to smile. He put his phone on the bedside and pulled down the covers to go into bed. He put a quick kiss on Beth and Marin's forehead before pulling them into his arms and falling into a dreamless sleep.

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