Five Dresses.

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So this isn't particularly amazing or eventful but I thought it was cute so why not :)


Five Dresses.


Beth sighed as Janel pulled on her arm towards the closet, rolling her eyes at her insistent best friend.

"Give me one good reason I should wear a dress Janel." Bethany rolled her eyes again as the older girl's eyes widened as if to ask with her eyes 'you mean you actually need a reason.' And yup, she really did.

Contrary to popular belief, Bethany wasn't fond of them. She hated that she had to be more careful with the way she sat, annoyed her that she wasn't able to run around like she usually did (not that she ever ran but y'know), and she hated hated hated how it made her body feel.

Bethany was completely confident with her body, even more so now that she had somebody like Derek to love it so much, but she was insecure sometimes. But can you really blame her? She's a girl for goodness sakes.

Janel completely ignored Bethany's whining as she adjusted the bottom of the dress. Seeing Bethany's frustrated look, Janel rolled her own eyes "Because I said so Beth now shut up."

Bethany countered back quickly, "Derek won't care what I wear." And she knew he wouldn't. Bethany was very well aware of the fact that whatever she wore, would most likely be crumpled in a pile in his room by the time all of their friends left, and she already knew he would whisper into her skin how beautiful he thought she was without caring if she was wearing a dress, his own shirt or nothing at all.

"C'mon Beth, you guys are just now finally coming out to the rest of the group as a couple, wear something a little special." Janel said, before pulling Beth's hands into her own. Bethany welcomed the touch, Janel's touch helping diminish the lingering insecurities in her mind before turning to the mirror to give her appearance a once-over.

The little black dress wasn't even tight but it hung on all the right places and Beth smiled for the first time since Janel had dragged her into room- oh this dress would certainly end up wrinkled on Derek's floor tonight.

Bethany wore the dress.


What she was wearing wasn't really a dress, no matter what Janel wanted to call it. No, it was a piece of cloth, barely covering her body.

The negligee was white and silky and revealing and perfect.

She'd never really cared about what she wore to bed before. It would usually be one of Derek's shirts or more so lately- bare of any clothing.  But now thanks to the bet she'd stupidly started with Derek, this was necessary.

It was a joke at first, started completely from beginning to end by Val and Mark. The group, as they always did, were hanging out on a Saturday, surrounded by empty beer bottles and embarrassingly enough- a very much intoxicated Derek who'd resorted to doing nothing other than blurting out about his and Bethany's sex life, oblivious to the furiously red Bethany screaming at him to shut up.

From there, it only escalated and after a week of refusing to have sex with Derek, Val and Mark took the opportunity to have a bet. Since Bethany was so hell-bent on not having sex with Derek, and Derek wanted nothing more than that- Mark and Val based their bet on that- whoever would be the first to initiate sex between the two of them was the loser.

For the past 3 weeks, neither have so much as kissed and by now it was driving both of them completely mad.

So Bethany took it into her own hands. She got Janel to lend her the skimpiest excuse for a nightgown she could find and lit some candles, because no matter how badly she wanted Derek by now- she was winning the bet.

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