Young & Beautiful.

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I'm making a huge effort to keep writing for you guys :)

Young & Beautiful

I've seen the world
Done it all
Had my cake now
Diamonds, brilliant
And Bel Air now
Hot summer nights, mid July
When you and I were forever wild
The crazy days, city lights
The way you'd play with me like a child

She never imagined meeting the love of her life at 18- it seemed too fairytale-esque. She imagined herself at 23 spilling her coffee all over the shirt of a handsome man her same age, and then the rest would be history. But then again, that too seemed too fairytale-esque.

She met the love of her life while doing a job, in front of six other people. He was blond and had blue eyes and he was perfect. 2 years in and they were married- and that same couple was currently on their couch in their Nashville home, exchanging quick kisses in between making dinner together.

Though the way and age she met the love of her life wasn't the original way she imagined, this was certainly what she imagined doing with him- and something she wanted to be doing for the rest of her life.

They weren't always like that though- like an old married couple madly in love. They, of course, were always madly in love, but they chose to live that love in different ways instead of how they did now. Instead of making dinner together, watching movies, and making love deep into the night slowly and romantically- they had the fun they knew they wouldn't be able to have later with the large family they were planning to have.

They traveled the world together, and partied in every stop in every city they could. They partied in Rio, strolled along the beaches of Hawaii together, and slow danced amongst the city lights of Paris- doing the city of love justice. They did all of this during hot summer nights in mid July- spending the limited time they had free to live out their love- and then the diamond came. The gorgeous diamond ring that changed their lives upside down.

The way he presented it to her was simple and romantic and just perfect. It was a quiet dinner with silent 'I love you's' and loud laughs that were silenced when she saw the 14 carat diamond embedded in the middle of a red rose.

They were married during a snowy Valentine's Day in Nashville, dancing around in the snow. Having snowball fights in his tux and her gown like they children they were and couldn't wait to have.

Will you still love me
When I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me
When I got nothing but my aching soul?
I know you will, I know you will
I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?

Then in their wedding, in Derek's eyes, she was the most stunning thing he ever saw and would ever see. With her hair twisted in an updo, her body accentuated in her gorgeous gown, he couldn't stop slow tears from streaming down his face as she walked towards him. And that's the exact same way she looked at him. That's the way that they would look at each other every day for the rest of their lives.

And that night when they're sharing lazy romantic kisses on a beach in Santorini, she asks him to tell her something she already knew, but needed to hear. With labored breaths and sweat across her brow as she brings her naked body as humanly possible to his, she asks him- "Promise me you'll always love me, even when I'm not young and beautiful anymore." She whispered.

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