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I am so sorry I haven't updated recently but I've had loads of homework and on top of that I've been sick, so I am soooo sorry, but I really hope you guys enjoy this prompt that was requested. BTW DEREK SAID IN AN INTERVIEW THAT HE WAS SEEING BETHANY AND SO MOTOUGH REUNITED LAST NIGHT AND JUSTT YAYYYYYYY




Bethany can hear the loud music, there was no way to escape it. She was sure she would hear it from miles away. She can smell the lingering scent of alcohol, and can see it as well as everyone around her was already acting a little bit tipsy. She can feel the adrenaline running through her veins (though that could be because of the shot that her sister had made her take). She can feel it running through her, but decided not to act on it.


This was the first time she had been able to drink- legally anyway, and it was her birthday for gods sakes, she wanted to remember it. She didn't want to wake up in bed with a stranger and about a thousand regrets. She drank what she knew she could handle. She felt light and buzzed, and just a little bit tipsy, but she felt good- everything should be good. She should be dancing and having fun with her friends- but she wasn't.


The atmosphere in the room felt thick and sweaty, like everybody was just desperate for something, whether it was a drink, a few kisses or just flat out sex. Everybody, except her. She had spent the night watching her friends and making sure they did nothing stupid, and at the time avoiding guys who wanted nothing more than a quick fuck in the bathroom.


This was supposed to be her night, her entrance into adulthood, she was supposed to be the most drunk one of all of them, but something about the night just felt off. Of all the guys that had asked her to dance, she felt nothing. Of all the drinks she'd had they only made her feel good for a monumental ten minutes before she was back at square one.


Derek had been watching Bethany all night- well 'the girl in red' as he put it. There was no way to know who she was, much less her name, but he was intrigued. Something about the girl just shined. Unlike anybody else at the club she radiated a bright light, whereas everybody else radiated a dark aura of alcohol. He hadn't want to come to the club, but he knew if Mark were to come alone, something incredibly bad would happen.


He wasn't in the party scene, and it turns out that neither was she. The girl had looked uncomfortable all night, alternating between pushing horny guys off of her or pulling her friends away from them. Derek had tried to forget her, knew it probably wasn't the safest thing to go for somebody you met at a bar- but he couldn't. Something about the girl just left him wanting more than he was getting, and before he could stop himself he found himself walking across the bar straight towards her.


The girl turned around, and he instantly recognized her. Bethany Mota- the girl he had been watching on his computer screen less than four hours ago with his nieces. She saw him coming and tried to turn, but something about him intrigued her the same way that he was intrigued by her.


She waited for him right by the bar, adjusting her position to appear a little more sexy. It was her 21st birthday after all. Derek smirked a little seeing what she was trying to do- it was certainly working. Of all the girls that had tried to push themselves onto him since the moment he had walked into the bar, she was more sexy than all of them combined, but she wasn't just sexy- she was beautiful, and she wasn't just a stripper that had come to the bar for a little fun, Derek knew her. Well as much as he could know about her from her YouTube videos.


Derek knew this wasn't her scene, as if it wasn't already apparent on her face. But he already loved her personality, so there was no having to struggle there. Realizing they had both been standing there for about two minutes just staring at the other, Derek broke out of the trance, taking a chance to see how she looked.


She had certainly gone all out, she had probably been expecting to have a lot more fun than she was having. Her tight red dress enhanced every feature of her body, leaving Derek with some (not so innocent) thoughts. She stood tall with her 5 inch black stilettos though Derek knew that without them, the girl would barely reach his chin. Her hair with curls still perfectly in place, showed the lack of activity that had happened for her so far. And Derek was ready to change that.


Without one word he grabbed her small hand in his and pulled her to the dance floor. She followed him wordlessly with a smile on her face. In the middle of a sea of people, Derek simply put his hand on her hips, inviting her to sway to music with him, and they did.


Bethany could feel the music flow through her body effortlessly right into the hands of the very own Derek Hough. Her friends gave each other appreciative glances across the floor, happy that Beth was finally enjoying her 21st.


Derek just finally felt at ease- feeling exactly what Mark had described every time he talked about the club, but he didn't need the alcohol or the shots, all he needed was the girl, the stranger, Bethany in his arms.


He smiled as he felt the adrenaline rise, he grabbed Bethany's hand and started to pull her out of the club, he needed to make a move. He couldn't bear not seeing her again after this. He instantly shivered as he stepped out in the cold frigid air, and he immediately pulled Bethany to him for warmth.


He started to walk to his apartment, with a silent Bethany encased in his arms. He wanted the first moment they actually met to be remembered not in some stingy New York bar. He opened the door to his apartment and let go of Bethany reluctantly, smiling when he saw her turn to him for an explanation.


"You know" She started, "I don't plan on having sex with you." Derek put his head down, of course that would be what she would think, they were complete strangers who had just danced together in a bar. "Me either." He said.


Bethany raised an eyebrow smiling, "Then what's all this?" Derek smiled, loving her personality even though he had only known her for about an hour. "I just felt it was necessary to get to know one another in a place that can be near an open flame." Bethany giggled and Derek pressed himself to her, enjoying the silence for a moment.


Bethany lifted her head and looked at him, "It's ironic that we both know who we are and we know nothing about each other, and here we are in your apartment, with a million possibilities." Derek smiled, "I just love everything about you, and I couldn't just leave the bar without knowing you, I want you to be something for me. A friend, a sister, a lover, or maybe even something more."


Bethany blushed, she had known Derek Hough for the entirety of an hour, and she could already feel something- something incredible. "Well then, how about we start the way everybody's possibilities start, My name is Bethany Mota. It's nice to meet you, and I can't wait for our possibility.


Derek smiled, feeling exactly what Bethany was feeling. "I'm Derek Hough." Bethany giggled again, making Derek smile, he pulled her to him. Savoring the moment before the moment happened. Finally he pushed his lips to hers and he finally could feel her lips on his, something he had wanted all night. He felt something great, something flood through his body like a tidal wave, and Derek knew what it was- it the start of something incredible, whether it was a friendship, a love affair, or something bigger, but he felt something.


He could feel the start of their possibility.


Thanks so much for 24K and the support and thanks for the comments on the last prompt, I'll definelty try to write those more and look out for Band-Aid Pt 3, thanks again! I hope you guys have a great dayyyyyyyyyy

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