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Derek was beaming looking around the airport for Bethany. Bethany had been living in England for the past three years and Derek was ecstatic that she had asked him to pick her up. They were still extremely close after the show, but they had stopped seeing each other as much after Bethany decided to move to London. Derek had gone up a few times to visit her but it had been at least a year since the last time he saw her, and he was glowing with excitement. He had missed his little ball of sunshine while she was gone.


Derek walked up to the flight attendant and asked for when Bethany's flight would arrive. As if on cue, a woman over a speaker called out the arrival of Bethany's flight. Derek thanked the woman and started to rush for the waiting room the woman called. Derek saw men and woman rushing to get their bags at the baggage claim. Derek looked for Bethany's luggage and waited for her, a huge smile on his face.


Derek's smile got larger if possible when he saw Bethany bundled up and running straight towards him, "Derek!!" She called out. Derek picked her and spun her around in his arms, pressing kisses to her temple. "Babe I missed you so much!" He pressed a light kiss to her cheek, dangerously close to her lips. "I missed you too Derek!" Derek did a double take, "Say that again." Bethany rolled her eyes, "I saiddd, I missed you so much you idiot." Derek laughed at her, "Can you hear yourself?" Bethany rolled her eyes again, "I don't hear anything different, what's gotten into you?" Derek chuckled at her, "You have the accent B!" Bethany rolled her eyes again, this time a 6.8 on the Richter scale. "Oh that, are you going to be obsessed with that too, or just the dimple like always?" Derek smiled at her and pulled her to him again, "C'mon babe, let's get you home." Bethany agreed and started to follow him to his car, curled up into his side.


By the end of the ride home, Bethany was ready to throw her shoe at Derek. He was continuously asking her to repeat what she was saying just to hear her accent. "C'mon babe, just one more time." Bethany rolled her eyes, they were continuously scaling higher on the Richter scale, any higher and it may just cause a full-fledged earthquake. "I'm not going to say it again Derek." Derek smiled wider at her, yeah he would long be obsessed with this now, the dimple was long forgotten.


"Can you say that again babe?" He pleaded her, his bottom lip stuck out, the puppy eyes in action. "How come you don't do this to Emma? She actually has as accent and you don't bother her." Bethany said. "Well." Derek started out, "First of all, you have an accent now too and I don't have to worry about you freaking out at me when I annoy you about the accent because you love me too much to leave. And second of all, it's just so damn adorable I can't resist, please babe, just one more time?" Bethany shrugged her shoulders, "You'll be lucky if I don't give you the silent treatment Derek." He gave her another puppy dog look, but instead opted to turn on the radio, smiling when he heard Taylor Swift on the radio. He knew Bethany, no matter how mad she was at him, wouldn't be able to resist singing along. He was right, he smiled brightly hearing Bethany sing along, her accent invading her amazing voice. Derek smiled before joining her, singing with her the whole way home.


They arrived at Derek's apartment, Derek immediately rushing to open the door for Bethany. He pulled her to him when he saw her shiver at the cold rain hitting them. They both rushed into his apartment, both crashing down on the couch the minute they got in. "It's raining cats and dogs out there." He turned around; Bethany shot him a smile and nodded. "Aww Beth, I thought you were kidding about the silent treatment, I'm sorry babe, I won't do it anymore." Bethany shook her head, "Promise?" She asked. Derek smiled at her causing Beth to roll her eyes again, "Keep rolling those eyes and they might just fall out of your head." He quipped at her. "It's hard not to when you smile every single time I say a word, I bet you would smile if I called you an ass right now wouldn't you?" Derek tried to stifle the smile but wasn't able to stop the huge smile that worked its way onto his face hearing her curse like that, he was screwed.


"I'm sorry babe, it's just so adorable." Bethany smiled at him, "Come here you, no matter how annoying you are I just missed you so damn much." Derek rushed to her, sitting her on his lap, "I can't wait for you to come over to see my family again, they've missed you so much, my nieces make me check your Instagram at least thirteen times every day when I'm there." Bethany smiled at him, "Well I can't wait."


Bethany rushed around Derek's apartment, rushing to get ready for lunch with Derek's family. "Calm down babe, they already love you, you don't have to impress." "Please Derek; I want to look nice for your family." Derek smiled at her; he would never get tired of hearing her voice. "Well you look beautiful, so can we please go now?" Bethany quickly glanced in the mirror one more time before nodding and following Derek out of the door, her tiny hand wrapped up in his.


They arrived at the Hough's, Derek immediately telling Bethany to calm down when he saw her basically trembling of fear. "They've already met you Beth, already love you, calm down babe." Bethany shook her head, letting out a deep breath before Derek opened the door. The door was opened by one of Derek's nieces, "Beth!" she yelled out, and immediately ran into Beth's outstretched arms, "I missed you so much sweetie!" The little girl smiled at Bethany, showing her missing two front teeth, "You talk funny." She said. Derek smirked at Bethany; Bethany narrowed her eyes at him, "Do I really? Your uncle Derek's been telling me all about it." The little girl smiled at her again, "Well I like it! C'mon everybody's waiting for you!!" She pulled Bethany along, leaving Derek out on the doorstep. He shrugged his shoulders and followed them, a huge smile on his face when he saw Bethany bombarded by hugs by his family.


"Guys! Guys!" Ari called out, "You have to hear Beth talk, she talks funny!" "Don't be rude." Sharee scolded. "No it's fine, really." Bethany said, immediately causing Derek to smile. Julianne smiled at her, "Woah Beth, the accent!" Bethany blushed, "And so I've been told, people seem to like it." His sisters smiled at her, and he felt Bethany's prior anxiety slip away, she found her place in his family again, like she always did. His nieces and nephews pulled Bethany along with them to the backyard, all of them inviting her to get on the trampoline. Bethany looked to Derek for approval, "Go for it." He said, the smile evident in his voice. Bethany smiled at the little kids surrounding her, and slipped off her heels following everybody onto the trampoline, she waited for Adi and picked her up, jumping with her on the trampoline.


Derek beamed, not being able to hide the happiness he was feeling. He felt somebody grab his shoulder and he looked down to see Julianne and the rest of his sisters flipping their gaze between him and Beth and the kids. "She really is everything you could want in a wife isn't she?" Marabeth asked him. Derek felt something flutter in his chest when he heard Ari call out for 'Aunt Beth'. Beth turned around without any hesitation and picked her up, ticking her, causing Ari to erupt in giggles. 


He smiled wider, not realizing how intently Julianne was looking at him. She could see it in Derek's eyes. He was undoubtedly 100% in love with Beth. He could see the love shining in her eyes every time he looked at her, could see it in the smile every time he heard her voice. She wondered when he would realize it. "When are you going to tell her?" She asked. Derek turned around, confusion in his eyes, "You know what I'm talking about." Julianne said.


Derek turned away, taking a deep sigh, "That obvious huh?" Julianne smiled at her brother, "Not really, you just can't really hide anything from me." Derek turned around to look at Julianne, "I don't know how to tell her, what if she doesn't feel the same way?" Julianne lifted her eyes up to look at Bethany sitting with all the kids around her on the trampoline, never forgetting any of them. "Just go for it." She said. 


Derek looked at Bethany, his grin widening when she shot him a smile, "C'mon Derek, there's enough love for you too." Derek smiled at her accent yet again and rushed for the trampoline, jumping on it, causing all the kids and Bethany to go flying up. Julianne could hear cries of 'Auntie Beth and Uncle Derek'. She smiled seeing them on the trampoline, she was sure they would be joined by yet another Hough in a year or two, this time a Mota too. She sat there watching them, a huge smile on her face, knowing Derek had really found the one. 

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