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So guys I'm sorry I didn't upload for so long but I have midterms right now but when they're over I'll start updating regularly again. There's one thing I want to address which is Derek's departure of DWTS. I'm so happy for him and I hope he excels on Broadway and of course I'll miss him on the show, but I am a little happy about the fact that Beth is his last partner. Either way I wish him the best, and I hope you guys enjoy the story! This is sort of like a better version of Alyssa (prompt sixteen) and it kind of sheds more light to the story in a different way so if you think they're similar they were mean to be like that!THERE WILL BE A PART TWO SO DON'T HATE ME WHEN YOU SEE THE END! 



Bethany ran frantically around at the park, continuously tripping over her own feet. She looked around with fear in her eyes, "Sophie!!" When she didn't hear an answer she continued to run around, getting bad looks from all around, but she didn't care. All she wanted at this point was to find her baby.

About two years ago, Bethany had found out she was pregnant. She and Derek had still been in a relationship when she had found out. Around that time Derek had just told his family they were dating. They were outraged to put it mildly, they cut Derek out of the family, and Beth could see him lose himself little by little every day, like watching a light slowly dim. So she broke up with him, she just wanted him to get better, she never wanted to see the light go out, and in those months they were separated, little by little she could see the light come back. It hurt to see him get the light back now that she was gone, it hurt to see that she wasn't the cause, but she loved him, so it was necessary.

Bethany dealt with the pregnancy alone, with only the help of Briddy; her own parents wanted nothing to do with her or the baby either. She could clearly picture her father's enraged look when she told them.

She tried to force all of that out of her mind. The last thing she needed at a moment like this was more worry. "SOPHIE!" She yelled.

She heard a giggle and immediately started running for it, almost falling in happiness when she saw her two year old baby girl sitting on a bench next to a man. In her happiness to see Sophie she didn't look closely at the man, but the closer she got, she could hear him gasp.

She ran to the little girl picking her up and pushing her to her chest, "What did I tell you about running away Sophia?" The little girl giggled against her chest, her bright blue eyes lighting up, just like her dads did when he smiled at Beth. The little girl hugged Beth, "I'm sowwy Mommy." She heard the man inhale a sharp breath, this time forcing her to turn around.

Bethany almost fell in her surprise, sitting at the bench was none other than Mark Ballas. His face was pale, white as a ghost, and she was pretty sure hers looked the exact same way. She started to back up slowly, hugging her baby closer to her every step she took, until she turned around and started running for her car.

She could hear him get up and run after her, "Bethany wait!" Bethany started to run faster, almost starting to outrun Mark, when she tripped over a rock. Bethany twisted her body so her body would take the impact and Sophie would be okay. She sat on the grass in defeat with her baby on her lap when she saw Mark put out his hand to help her up.

She refused to look him in the eye, "Hey Mark." She whispered. Even though she wasn't looking at him she could feel his smile, "Beth!" Mark pulled her arm to him, dragging her and Sophie into a bear hug. Bethany could feel herself start to smile, her heart started to ache realizing all the love she had deprived herself and Sophie for the past two years.

Bethany broke apart from the hug and finally looked at Mark in the eyes and just as she suspected a bright smile was on his face, the smile leading all the way to his eyes. Mark's full attention was on Sophie, "Great parenting Beth, she sat with me for like five minutes before you found her." Bethany started to laugh but she could feel the growing tension in the air.

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