Sophie Pt 2.

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I'm seriously so sorry about making you guys wait so long, but that's only because I've been working on a bunch of prompts! I finshed about four and they should be up soon! I really hope you guys enjoy this and thanks so much for 16k I seriously appreciate you guys so much and you guys are seriously the best! Oh and comment some prompts so I can start writing again!!!!!


Sophie Part 2.

Bethany carried Sophie into her room setting her down and planting a big kiss to her forehead before slowly closing the door. She rushed to the living room, her heels clicking on the floor when she heard her phone ring. The last thing she needed was Sophie waking up, it had been a struggle to get her asleep in the first place.

Bethany picked up her phone, her heart dropping when she saw Derek's name flashing on the screen. She debated on whether hanging up or not, but she knew she couldn't do that to him, even two years after their break-up she would never forgive herself.

She pressed the button slowly, scared of what would come out of this conversation. "Hello?" She asked, the phone pressed to her ear. "Beth we need to talk... and soon it's urgent." Bethany closed her eyes, "Derek I don't know I've been really busy and-" "I don't care," Derek interrupted, "This can't wait."

Bethany pressed her eyes tighter, sighing loudly, wondering what the hell had gotten into Derek, "Fine Starbucks tomorrow at 12." "Bye Beth." Derek said quietly into the phone. Beth hung up and sighed when she heard Sophie's cries from upstairs. She was in for a long night.

Derek heard the beeping of phone, signifying that Beth had hung up. He let out a long breath and looked at his sister who was sitting on the couch with a huge smile on her face, "Don't be so worried, after this you can see that little girl whenever you want."

Derek rolled his eyes at her, "How can you even be so sure she's my daughter? It's been two years Julianne, not two weeks." It was Julianne's turn to roll her eyes at her brother, "Just think about it Derek, the blue eyes, the blond hair, have you seen the way she walks, have you seen her smile?! And seriously Bethany couldn't be more obvious the way she couldn't wait to get out of the damn park two weeks ago. Crystal Clear."

Julianne refrained from saying anything about her conversation with Mark, she didn't want Derek to get mad at Mark because Mark had promised not to say anything, it didn't justify that Mark never told Derek, but still.

Derek shrugged but kept looking at Julianne, he knew there was something she was hiding, but he wasn't going to get it out of her. He started to walk upstairs, more than scared for tomorrow.

He lay on his bed, a war in his mind. Would Beth let him grow close to Sophie? What could happen between him and Beth? Was it even real? Derek shook his head, wondering if what he had just gotten himself into would end up being worth it. He turned off the lamp light next to his bed, dreading and anticipating his next meeting with Beth.


Bethany groggily woke up, hearing her daughter call her from the room next to it. She stood up and carefully walked to her daughter's room, instantly smiling when she saw the little girl with a huge smile on her face, holding the bars of the crib. "Hey baby girl."

Sophie giggled, and Beth picked her up from the crib, her smile wiping off her face when she remembered the appointment she had made with Derek. She hadn't been able to able to sleep just thinking about what Derek could possibly want to talk to her about. She looked at her daughter, wondering if God was giving her a chance to set things straight and to come clean, before it was too late.

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