Maple Lattes.

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This seems a lot like 50 shades of grey but i would NEVER EVER write that so just read to the end and I hope you guys like this! Thanks so much for 28K reads, you guys are incredible! P.S. Read note at the end!


Maple Lattes.

She had felt something they very first time they had met. The business meeting had been dragging on for hours, but the small glances and quirky smiles thrown between the two of them made it interesting. 

She was supposed to detest him; after all he was trying to take her family's company. But no matter how hard she tried she couldn't hate him, something about him shined and vice versa. Derek found her just as intriguing as she found him.

She had told herself no, tried to convince herself out of wanting him the way that she did, but she couldn't. She found herself anticipating every business meeting, desperate to see him. She tried a little bit harder than she did before, spent more time choosing the clothes she was going to wear everyday for work just in case she ran into him, was a little more cautious doing her makeup and hair, just to look perfect.

She had been told time and time again, by her parents, by her sister, by basically the whole world to not get involved with them, well specifically him. He had a bit of a reputation. She remembered the way her sister had scolded her for even sharing eye contact with him, "Don't Bethany.", she had said the second they had walked out of a failed business meeting that had attempted to fix the broken relationship between Mota Inc. and Hough Co. yet again with no good results. He had looked especially handsome that day with his slicked back blond hair and green tie. His eyes were drawn to her like magnets since the moment she had walked into the room exclaiming how sorry she was for being late, all because she had been in the bathroom getting ready to see him.

That was the first time she had ever seen him smile. A minuscule one but nonetheless her heart had swelled because it was meant for her, but Briddy had noticed. She had been watching them the whole meeting and she knew they both were attracted to each other. It wasn't like they hid it very well anyway.

Bethany had started to take a longer time getting ready for business meetings, carefully reapplying her makeup and asking her how she looked about ten minutes before she built up the courage to actually walk in the room. She had started to wear her hair down more, something that she had previously detested.

And Briddy wasn't blind she could see how Derek looked at Bethany everytime she walked into the room. A minuscule smile was always shot Bethany's way even though during the meetings his face stayed pristine and serious, never letting anybody see anything beyond his blue eyes other than the color.

Bethany had looked at her sister with a confused look on her face, "Don't what?" Briddy had rolled her eyes. "Don't fall in love with Derek Hough. And you know exactly what I'm talking about Bethany, just stay away from him." Bethany had tried to take her sisters advice into consideration but then again she had never taken her sister very seriously.

So that time after yet another failed business meeting that Derek Hough had pulled her behind until everybody left, her sister's words never even momentarily passed through her mind.

He had waited until everybody had gone from the room and the door was closed to pull her back, straight into his arms. That was the first time Bethany had noticed how striking his eyes were, they were as blue as the Pacific Ocean and she felt herself getting lost at sea.

And vice versa for the first time Derek got to see into her eyes and really see her. People usually say that your eyes are a passageway to the soul, and until that moment he hadn't believed it, but now that he found himself looking in Bethany Mota's eyes, he never understood why he doubted it. Her eyes were a rich golden brown, something that reminded him of everything good in the world; it was the prettiest shade of brown he had ever and would ever see.

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