All In My Head.

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I'm sooo sorry if you guys are annoyed with all the song prompts but quite frankly they're my favorite to write so please comment your top five favorite songs and I'll choose a song to do a prompt for every person who comments! Thanks for all the support and y'all are amazing!


All In My Head. 

//I see you with her, and it crushes me inside,

I guess I should stop thinkin' about you all the time,

Maybe this is what I needed,

Maybe this is a sign,

Maybe I've been blind to reality, baby tell me...//

They weren't friends. At least that was what she told herself. They hadn't talked since the end of their season. They were both so busy and had to go their separate ways. Derek was busy with Broadway, and she was 'conquering the world' as he put it everytime he was asked about her. She didn't want to see him, didn't want the feelings to come rushing back even though they never went away. Seeing him again would only make the feelings grow once again though she knew nothing could ever come out of them. She was a 19 year old who had created a happily ever after for them that could never happen.

She didn't want to see him because of the fear she felt, she didn't want those feelings grow and now as she sat on his couch with him right next to her, her fears came true. Every once in a while he would turn to press a light kiss to her check, to Justene's that is, his girlfriend.

It was hurting her so much to see them act like the couple they were, with every little kiss, every little whisper, every look shared made her heart crack a little more. But she knew better than to let it show, she plastered a smile on her face everytime he turned to her, but he wasn't the same.

He didn't kiss her on the cheek or hug her when she got there, he didn't call her babe anymore or even Beth, it was strictly 'Bethany'. Maybe it had been all in her head and this was the sign she needed. She turned away seeing them laugh together again, maybe this was a sign and she just needed to forget.

She had already made a decision, at the end of night she was going to walk away from his house and from him the same way she walked away from the season. No more face timing him, no more good morning and goodnight texts, no more hugs and kisses on cheeks.

And at the end of night she kept that promise. She hugged him one last time, with a sad goodbye. She didn't say 'see you later' or 'see you soon' because she would be lying. She had to go without turning back; and she did.

//Every little glance my way, everytime you wanted to hang,

You seemed so interested, could you tell me?

Was it real or was it all in my head?//

She'd kept her promise at the end of that night. Every text he sent her was ignored as was everybody from Dancing with the Stars, all they did was remind her of him and that was the last thing she needed. Every call he sent her way was denied, because in the end why did it matter if he wanted to know how she was, why did he care about when her album was coming out?

She was just so incredibly hurt by everything, everytime he looked at her with his eyes full of love on the show, everytime he texted her wanting to go to Starbucks or the movies, what about all those kissed shared between them? Did it really mean nothing to him? Yeah it did, he seemed so interested in her and looked like he really did love her, but all she could ask herself at this point was if anything was even real, or if it was just all in her head?

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