Thank You.

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First things first, I'm sorry if you were expecting this to be a new prompt, but this is what I'm going clear up-

For the past few weeks, trying to write 'Blue' has been daunting. I haven't made a dent into the first chapter at all.

Here it is- you can call me lazy. You can call me a liar. You can call a horrible writer or a bad person. You can call me all 4, truth is, I'm probably all of these wrapped up into one anyway.

Anyways, about a year ago, I remember posting my first prompt and being terrified that people would hate my writing, and was ecstatic when I received my first positive review. I remember thinking, 'In a year, will I still be writing these or will I abandon them?

(I made it to a year so at least that's something to celebrate!)

After 78 prompts, 50 unfinished ones, an un-started uncomplete story, and about 1 million undrafted ideas though, I've become what I feared to become a year ago when I was starting these prompts: A blank page and a blinking cursor.

I get so many ideas, but when I open a draft and want to start writing it I'm either 1. Rewriting a story I already wrote with different words, 2. Rehashing pretty plays of words I'd seen in other writer's works, or 3. Writing something that was boring me to death. Not any of those things was anything I'd ever want to give to you guys.

Honestly, I'm having a hard time just writing this note to you guys.

Basically what I just wrote in about 266 words was that, I'm going to be taking a break from writing. At the end of the break, I myself don't know what is going to happen. I don't know whether I will pick up these prompts where I left off, whether I'll start something new up, or whether I won't write anymore at all. I honestly don't know, and I'm so sorry for not having a clear answer.

This is kind of a goodbye and maybe an 'I'll see you later' note. Because of this and because of my not knowing what's going to happen in the future I just want to thank you all. I never imagined something that I wrote to have even remotely close to 80,000 reads. 100? Sure. 1,000? A possibility. 10,000? Unlikely. 80,000? Never. Never in a million years, but because of you, you've managed to make this come true for me and I want to thank all of you for the smiles and happiness that you've given me in the past year.

I don't want this to completely be goodbye though, if you guys want comment your Instagram names so I can see the incredible people that you all are more closely. You've become more friends to me than simply my readers.

I do, however, want to take the time to individually thank a few people.

pastelgrundge- your comments and enthusiasm (and your own writing) were always a bright spot for me. Honestly, thank you for taking the time to read my writing, review it, take my ideas, write them, and for the smiles you gave me over this year.

BrownHairedBeauty44, Cimsftmota, theatrechick6 - I feel so much better knowing that the motough fandom won't be left without prompt writers (and amazing ones at that!). Keep doing what you're doing because it's amazing.

PrincessDiana7- A lot of reviewers have stood out to me, but none like you. You have been a dedicated reader and reviewer since the very first prompts that I posted and I honestly can't thank you enough for that. Thank you thank you thank you for reading my writing and taking the time to tell me you liked it.

KailianaLeigh- I can't tell you how grateful I am to have messaged you for the first time, because I got to see the inner genius and amazing writer that you are. I can't wait to see how your story is going to work out, and I really hope that even if I won't be writing anymore, you'll still want to give me that sneak peak that you used to. I honestly can't wait to be flipping through the pages of your very first book. Forever proud of you, love you.

Teammotough- Em, honestly, where do I start? You already know how much you mean to me, but I'm going to tell you again. Words cannot describe how grateful I am, for the friendship we've formed over this year. You've become a fellow writer to me, a great friend, and overall incredible human being. What I'm going to miss most from this whole thing, might possibly be you. I don't know what to tell you, but thank you for opening my book for the first time on here, because it gave me the chance to see and experience first-hand the incredible person you are. I can't wait to meet you in person girl, and I love you so much.

So again, thank you thank you thank thank you thank you thank you thank thank you thank you thank you thank thank you thank you thank you thank thank you, I'm never going to be able to tell you how thankful I am for this year and how much I loved spending every second of it with you guys.

Xoxo, Liz 

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