Wildest Dreams.

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Okay so forreal you guys, thanks for the immense support you guys are the best ever! And since you guys are pretty amazing you guys should realllllyyy read lovingmotough's prompts, she's an incredible writer and deserves so much more recognition! Well anwyayysssss, I hope you guys like this, I had such a great time writing it and I hope you guys have a great time reading it, thanks again you guys!!!! P.S. I'm sooooo sorry I don't have the actual taylor swift version of it since there are no lyric/music videos allowed on Youtube for the official audio, but Lauren's version is exactly the same except it's Lauren singing and her voice is pretty sick too, so sorry for any inconviences!


Wildest Dreams.

It had been sort of a joke y'know. "Oh yeah in a year she'll be the new Taylor Swift, she'll be the biggest thing in music", Derek had said to every interviewer the night of their elimination. She had only jokingly laughed and shook her head at him because she didn't believe him. Nobody really did at that point, not even Derek himself but little did he know just how much truth his words carried.


One year later:

Derek groggily rubs his eyes open and turns off his alarm. He opens his eyes and sees the sunlight flooding in through his window. He sighed, "Just another day of work huh?" He asked himself hastily before pushing his sheets aside and walking out of the room, not bothering to make his bed, I mean he was going to mess it up later to sleep in it again anyway so what was the point? That was his logic just about 70% of the time.

He turned to the kitchen only to see Mark standing there looking at something on his phone, a huge smile on his face. "What's up with you Ballas?" He quipped as he grabbed a bowl from the drawer. Mark laughed and Derek turned around to look at him, growing more confused as he saw Mark with a tiny smirk on his face, "Seriously what?"

Mark laughed again, "Guess who's number one on iTunes right now?" Derek rolled his eyes answering just so Mark would shut up as he knew how unhealthy Mark's Beyonce obsession was. "Beyonce Mark I get it, she's queen." Mark laughed as he shook his head playfully, "You know her, think about it." Derek's eyebrows knitted together in confusion, the only person he knew who was planning an album was.... oh my god.

His head shot up and his eyes widened in anticipation, "Really?!" Mark laughed again and nodded his head, "Number One in seventeen countries!" Mark yells. Derek's eyes widen even more if possible before grabbing his phone in anticipation researching exactly what Mark was telling him the song was called, his breakfast forgotten.

He starts to smile as the opening notes play as smiles even wider when Beth's melodic voice floats from his phone...

//He said, "Let's get out of this town,

Drive out of the city, away from the crowds."

I thought heaven can't help me now.

Nothing lasts forever, but this is gonna take me down//

He's taken back to that time as the he hears the beginning lyrics, the time when they had everything at their disposal. It had been the end of their season, the end of spending just about every day together, and for the first time since the finale it really hit them: this was the end.

No more midnight escapades to Starbucks, no more constant teasing about how late the other was. This was the end of being able to hear the incredibly corny jokes the other always told that no matter how corny they were always left them on the floor, hands on their stomachs as they couldn't control their laughter; those had been the good times. And neither of them were ready to let those good times go just yet; they needed one more escapde, but this time not to Starbucks. They wanted one more shot to make a few memories in hopes that that would hold them over until the next time they could see each other.

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