You Are In Love.

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Surprise I decided to update! This song prompt is a little different bc it's not me making the storyline chronologically fit with the lyrics but instead just random moments in their relationship that fit with lyrics that "Mark" wrote about them!


You Are In Love.

When Bethany and Derek received a call from Mark at 1 am in the morning they didn't know whether to be terrified or scold Mark for waking at them up that early in the morning but then again everytime they did, Mark didn't listen. He wasn't big on following the rules anyway.

"What Mark?" Derek asked with a raspy voice as he clung to Bethany in between the sheets.

"Is Bethany up?!" Mark asked, the excitement bouncing through his voice, only causing Derek and Beth's annoyance to grow just a little bit more. Though she had learned to get used to these impromptu calls from Mark in the dead of the night, it didn't make Bethany any happier to be receiving them. "Unfortunately." She answers, causing Derek to snicker beside her.

"Good! I was feeling touchy feely and I was stalking your Instagram's and almost puked because of how cute you were and then I realized you two idiots served as good inspiration so don't hang up on me and listen!" Mark rambled and Derek nuzzled his face into Bethany's neck, knowing that if they didn't listen to him now he would just call them until they did. He sighed heavily, "Go ahead Mark."

One look, dark room
Meant just for you
Time moved too fast
You play it back

Though both Derek and Bethany were half asleep, they completely hung onto to every word that Mark was singing to them, instantly catching in to what he was singing.

It was still their season of dwts, right near the end. They were going to separate, all of them were, and there was no telling when they would have the chance to see each other again, or be as close as they were during the show.

Over the course of the show everybody was able to see what Derek and Beth had formed over the short amount of time allotted to them, and they could all see clearly that it wasn't simply just a close friendship as all the producers pushed it to be. There was something there, something that was so painfully oblivious to the both of them.

Derek and Beth were incredibly smart people,  but they were damn stupid when it came to what they had. They were too wrapped up in their own feelings for the other to realize that their feelings were reciprocated.

The group had long since become sick of the googly eyes they sent each other across the room, became tired of not knowing the secret language they both exchanged everytime their eyes met, and became tired of the unresolved sexual tension that seemed to float around them like humidity on a hot day; so they decided to do something about it, Mark and Witney specifically.

Considering how close they were already to Beth and Derek (and how gullible they both were) it wasn't hard to trick them into their plan. "I have to tell you a secret." Witney had told Beth, leading her to the studio where Beth and Derek had their first rehearsal- Mark telling Derek the same thing.

Soon enough the two were stuck in the room together due to Mark and Witney locking the door with a key, ignoring Derek and Bethany's pounding on the door, yelling at them to let them out.

"Guys! It's late and we're tired let us out!" They both screamed at Mark and Witney, not that they cared. They simply smirked and walked away, knowing full well that Derek and Bethany knew what they had to do to get out.

Taking a good look at the room that they knew they would be stuck in, Bethany and Derek realized that though Mark and Witney were idiots, they went all out for the people that they cared about. The room was covered in tiny candles, a picnic blanket on the floor covered in rose petals.

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