Permanent Tattoo.

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So I actually never fully finished this but I really like it right now and if you guys want me to continue it just let me now and I will!


Permanent Tattoo.

Everything was supposed to be okay. Bethany and Derek were supposed to be able to say goodbye like it was nothing, they were supposed to be okay without each other, but they weren't.

Gone months without talking to each other, they fell into a routine. They were machines, operated to move and do whatever other people pleased, but they weren't really there. Bethany's mind was never centered on what she was doing, in her head she was off somewhere in L.A., somewhere on the ballroom floor, somewhere with her Prince Charming, somewhere in her fairytale, but she wasn't.

And Derek, he wasn't in Broadway, he was trapped in the nightmare that become reality, a reality that sadly didn't feature her.

During the show, Bethany had painted every single sky, every single day a different blue, but now they were all grey and dreary. And somewhere among all those grey skies, he'd lost his sunshine.

Bethany had the type of personality that left a mark, she was a permanant tattoo in a sea of temporary ones. There wasn't one part of her that wasn't perfectly engrained in his mind, or anybody else's for that matter.

Bethany had only been introduced once to Derek's grandmother. She was 90 years old and had alzheimers, she just barely remembered what her dog's name was but she always asked Derek about Bethany. There wasn't one time when she didn't ask about how Bethy (as she liked to call her) was. Everybody had been completely shocked, basically causing an uproar the first time it had happened because with only the five minutes they had to chat, his grandmother remembered her. It still remains a mystery to anybody they told, but to Derek it wasn't.

It wasn't easy to forget Bethany Mota.

He knew that much.

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