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HURRAY FOR LATE UPDATES! ANNNDDD damn you ed christopher sheeran for making me an emotional wreck every single time i listen to this song, thanks ed i appreciate it. thanks for the support once again you guys and i hope you guys like this!!!!



//Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know
When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive//

Derek looked outside of the window of his apartment, the skyline illuminated in the night. It looked beautiful, but he couldn't fully appreciate it. He felt sick to his stomach knowing that in one of the countless buildings that he could see outside of his window, in one of these countless windows was his Beth, and it killed him that she wasn't right there with him.

He knew she was here for only three days at most, and he knew just how much she had going on, but it hurt that she hadn't made the time for him. Even if they only time that they would be able to spend together the night before she left, he would be completely okay with it. He would be contempt with sleeping with her in his arms, but the thing is, she didn't call.

Did he know why? Maybe because she was busy. Maybe she didn't want to see him. Or maybe just a complete different reason- all that he knew was that it hurt. And why did it hurt? Because he loved her, loved her with every fiber of his heart, but he knew that sometimes life got rough, and this was just one of those times.

Being with Bethany hurt sometimes because of how inconsistent their schedules were and they almost never had to time to even squeeze in a FaceTime or call every one or two days. Yeah it hurt, but it was also just about the best thing that ever happened to him. Hands down, Bethany was his favorite relationship he'd ever had though it was also the one that resulted with the most problems, the biggest age difference... there were so many odds against them, but he didn't care.

Of all the girlfriends he'd had Bethany was the only one he could picture a forever with, the only one that he could picture marrying and having about five kids instead of a quick two week relationship before they got tired of trying. This relationship made him feel alive, even with the pain, and that was all he could ask for.

//We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
And time's forever frozen still//

He turned back to the tv which he didn't realize he had left on but instead of being drawn into the episode of 'Arrow' like he usually was, his attention was drawn to a picture on the wall that hung almost directly beside the television. It was of him and Beth, a picture never before seen to the world. Them in onesies, at the time it seemed like the stupidest thing in the world, but now it actually did mean the world to him.

Anybody looking in the at the picture could see the genuine love on their faces. That had been their very last good day. It was raining and they had no energy to do anything but still wanted to do something so Beth got the brilliant idea of dragging out her onesies, at the time Derek hadn't been too enthusiastic about the idea but now he was so incredibly happy Beth had been able to wrestle him into the unicorn onesie that he was wearing in the picture to match with hers. They had spent the rest of the day doing nothing, but absolutely feeling something.

That picture kept him holding on to whatever they had. Their eyes were never closing in the picture, their hearts never broken, and the time was frozen still.

//So you can keep me
Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans
Holding me closer 'til our eyes meet
You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home//

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