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So I'm soooo sorry I didn't get to update yesterday but life sucks so I hope that this prompt is enough to make it up to you, it's actually the longest prompt I've ever written and I'm really proud of it so I hope you guys like it!



She hasn't met him, hasn't even shared a word with him. She sees pictures and laughs at all the jokes that Derek said he once told and somehow that's enough for her to love him without needing an introduction, enough love for her to chastise herself for getting too attached and the world for just how fucking unfair it is.

Things were heated when the call came; their shirts already off as they stumbled to the bedroom when the phone rang. Derek being himself, already invested into what he so painfully had to convince her to do (an hour before her meeting albeit), wanted to ignore the call and continue but Bethany being Bethany, didn't.

She picked up the phone standing in the hallway of their apartment in only her matching black bra and undies as Derek suggestively moved his hips toward her from the bed, wanting to embarrass her to whoever was on the other side of the phone, but he quickly stops when Bethany's face turns serious, all playfulness from just a moment before lost.

She hands the phone to him without a word as she turns away, picking her clothes up one by one from the floor, seemingly wiping a tear away from her face. He restrains himself from the natural instinct of dropping whatever he's doing to hold her tiny body in his arms whenever she's upset, he doesn't know much about the call but based on the look on Bethany's face, he knew enough.

And in a couple of minutes he understands, he gives a sad goodbye to his mom on the other side of phone and quickly picks up his clothes, walking to the kitchen to find Bethany furiously wiping her tears on the table. He walks up to her pressing a light kiss on the top of her head, giving them both the comfort they both need.

"C'mon we're going to Utah." He whispered softly in her ear, willing himself not to break into tears right then and there. Bethany shook her head softly before whispering her answer back to him, "You go, I never met him, I don't want to intrude with your family." Derek smiled softly before raising his voice a bit, "How many times do I have to tell you Beth, you're a part of the family now, please I need you right now." She shook her head again, tightening her grip on his hand.

Derek held her hand just as tightly as he whispered countless times in her ear, "Please." Beth stays quiet just turning around and pressing her face into his chest, as he releases the tears she knew he was holding back. She doesn't say that everything's okay, or that it'll be fine because it probably won't be, but this is as much comfort as she can muster whilst feeling her own heart breaking in her chest.

They sleep the same way, Bethany's face hidden in his chest as they wait for the few streaks of sunlight to pass through their curtains. They're going to Utah today. They both silently get up and make their way to the airport no words shared between them other than a quick "I love you" they gave each other before before walking out the front door.

The plane ride is silent too, only containing a few words as Derek gets her to stop worrying about meeting his family. Bethany knew it was stupid and it most definitely wasn't their biggest problem right now but this definitely wasn't the way that she imagined it happening.

It's almost 6 o' clock as they pull up to the Hough residence. Julianne must've been waiting for them because as soon as Derek is pulling the key out of the ignition she's out on the balcony. Bethany stays in the car a few moments just taking deep breaths watching Derek jump out of the car. When he doesn't see her coming he hesitates to walk any further.

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