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Julianne shook her head watching TMZ. They had flashed a picture of Bethany wearing a crop top ad skirt that left little to the imagination, talking about how she had been partying until dawn. Julianne couldn't believe what had happened to Bethany. She had completely changed since she had been on Dancing with the Stars. Now at 22 she was continuously making headlines or all the wrong reasons.


She turned off the TV, not wanting to know anymore about the once sweet girl. She heard the doorbell and immediately rushed for it, letting out a small smile when she saw Mark and Derek standing on the doorway, it was time for their weekly movie night, she welcomed them in, ushering them into the living room and running to the kitchen to make popcorn.


She walked back into the living room to see both Mark and Derek frowning at the television. TMZ was still on, still flashing pictures of Bethany with minimal clothing on, kissing a guy who looked suspiciously like Justin Bieber. The host voiced her exact thoughts, asking them what they thought of her shocking transformation. Derek turned off the TV and put his head in his hands, Mark giving him a pitying look though Julianne too could see the pain in his eyes.


"It makes you wonder doesn't it." She started, "What could've possibly made her change so drastically." Derek didn't answer, keeping his head in his hands. Mark spoke up, "I just don't get it. I mean Bethany of all people? It just doesn't make sense. Whatever caused her to do all this, must be pretty serious." He ended.


Julianne just looked down. She missed Bethany and if it hurt her how Bethany was acting, she couldn't imagine what Derek was feeling. "Well", Derek started, "Let's get to the movies, no point in wasting a good Saturday night." He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, "I'll get some beer," he said, walking to the kitchen w, his phone in his hand. Julianne sat on the couch looking at Derek in the kitchen. He was inspecting something on his phone and she was almost 100 sure it was Bethany's Instagram. They all still followed her to check up on her though she had long ago unfollowed all of them. "Derek" she called out. He raised his head up and shot up another fake smile.


"You don't have to pretend you know." She said. Derek shot her a confused look. "You don't have to pretend it isn't killing you because were hurting too." Derek put his head down again, "I just miss her, the bubbly Beth, not the rebellious one", "I just want to fix it." Julianne smiled wondering if her brother knew, "So", she started, "Fix it." She said. Derek lifted his head smiling before clinking his beer with hers.


Bethany looked in the mirror before lightly dabbing on red lipstick. She studied her appearance in the mirror. She was wearing a tight black dress that enhanced her features, her hair straightened, falling lightly on her shoulders in a bob, She refused to let it get any longer. Her doorbell ring and immediately rushed to go get it, she was anxious to get to the club, she had dealt with a lot today.


 She opened the door, reading to launch herself into Justin's arms when she stopped herself. Standing at the door wasn't Justin, but none other than Derek Hough with a single rose in his hand. He shot her a smile when Bethany shot him a confused look. They hadn't spoken in about two years; she had no clue why he was here now.


"Um...Hey." She said. Derek kept looking at her like was trying to figure her out. "I'm sorry but I'm actually heading out...but it was really nice seeing you." She shot him a small smile.  Derek finally spoke up, "Wait! Please Beth we need to talk." Bethany looked at him again and sighed, "Wait a minute, come in though, you'll freeze." Derek stepped into her apartment, immediately smelling a hint of alcohol and sex. He froze up, realizing just how much she had changed.  He walked around the room seeing multiple Fall Out Boy posters all over the room, saw drawers wrongly placed with unused condoms in them, like somebody had just ripped one out. Derek flinched and felt his heart sink; maybe Bethany was too far gone. He shook his head not wanting to believe it, no, she would come back.

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