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Please read the note at the end, and I hope y'all like this prompt! Thanks for reading, and thanks so  much for 22k it means the world to me!



Derek shrugged Julianne's hand off of his shoulder angrily, throwing his phone harshly to the couch. Julianne looked at him with condensing eyes, not knowing what to say to make him feel better. "Maybe it won't be that bad Derek, just calm down." Derek rolled his eyes at her, "Oh yeah I can it see it already, me and a vapid nineteen year old holding hands and kissing on red carpets when that's the last thing I'd want to do."

Julianne shrugged her brother off, "Derek! We've both seen her videos and you very well know that she is nowhere near being vapid so shut your mouth, and I swear Derek if you treat her badly even once you'll have to answer to me, because it's not her fault you guys' managers are idiots and are actually going through with this whole scheme. You're her first real relationship and if you tarnish what love is for her, I swear Derek Hough, I'll kill you."

Derek's eyes widened at how fiercely his sister was defending the girl that they both barely knew anything about. He nodded with a frown on his face, running his hands through his hair, reaching for his phone to search her up and learn more about her.

He got lost in his thoughts wondering what she was going to be like, he barely knew anything about how this would go, but he knew one thing. This girl was nineteen years old and he couldn't- no-wouldn't fall in love with her. No matter how beautiful she was, he wouldn't.

Little did he know just how much 'Bethany Mota' was going to change his life with one simple smile.


Derek sat nervously at a booth in Starbucks, waiting for his supposed 'girlfriend', he tapped his fingers against the table nervously, already having put up his walls to avoid anything from happening. He didn't what the hell had gotten into his manager's head when offered this.

Derek wasn't stupid- he knew getting a little more publicity to broaden the news of his Broadway debut was smart, but by doing this? Dating a nineteen year old? Heavens knew the amount of hate they would both get.

He lifted his gaze when he heard quiet footsteps coming and stopping right in front of the table, and immediately felt his breath taken away. Standing in front of him was not the awkward and immature teenager he was expecting, but a shy and stunning woman. With her bright red lip color and her skimpy lace romper she was attracting side glances and smirks from all the guys in the coffee shop, making him feel slightly... jealous was the best word. Why? He had no clue.

He smiled softly, trying to tame the nervousness that he could see in her eyes. He stood up and grabbed her hand, putting his hand on her tiny waist, he pulled her next to him on the booth, feeling her tense up. He shot her another smile and for the first time since the whole situation started her see her start to relax. She shot a smile at him and Derek finally saw everything that Julianne had said that very first night, he knew there was no way he would tarnish love for her- he couldn't.

He barely knew her, hadn't even spoken a word to her, but he already knew that something incredible was going to come out of this, whether it was a great friendship or a long lasting relationship, he had no clue, but he was ready for whatever this girl was going to throw his way.

In that small dingy Starbucks they got to know one another, deeper than just a viewer. Derek got to see beyond the girly exterior that he had seen on YouTube, he got to know her dreams, and know her pet peeves, and truly see the way that her eyes lit up when she talked about something she loved. He was able to faintly smell a hint of Chanel on her that he very clearly hadn't been able to smell through his computer screen. He finally saw how tiny she was in person, barely reaching his chin. But to him her personality is what made the long lasting impression.

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