Band-Aid Pt 2.

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Band-Aid pt. 2.


Derek walked around New York with his son in his arms. He froze when he heard Jax frantically yelling at him to look at something, "Look daddy look!!!" Derek turned around to where his son was pointing. He smiled widely when he saw what his son was talking. A picture of Bethany and her new album, 'Wonderland' were on the Jumbotron. He looked to his son, who five minutes ago had been crying for sweets, who now had a huge smile on his face, "It's Beth daddy it's Beth!!" Derek smiled at his son, "Yeah Jax I see it." Jax turned to him, "I miss her." Derek sighed at his son, "I miss her too Jax."


It had been months since he had seen Beth. Dancing with the stars ended and he and Beth went their separate ways. They occasionally face timed because Jax missed her so much, but they never went further than that. He knew she was in New York now advertising her new album. Maybe it was time for them to reunite. "How about we make a deal? I call Beth so we can hang out soon, but you have to listen to me when I say no sweets okay?" Jax nodded his head enthusiastically, and that was how Derek knew just how much Jax loved Beth. If he would willingly give up sweets so easily just to see you, it was love. Derek smiled at his son and brought his eyes back up to the Jumbotron, seeing Beth dancing around the stage singing her song, 'Style'. He smiled wider, realizing just how much he missed her.


Derek opened the door to his house and set Jax down. He saw Jax instantly run to the living room and pick up the phone, "Call Beth daddy!!!" Derek smiled at him, "Calm down there sport, how about you wash up for dinner, and then we can call Beth together!" Jax nodded and ran up the stairs to wash his hands. Derek walked to the kitchen to prepare some chicken nuggets for Jax; there wasn't much he would eat. He stopped before opening the fridge and looked at the picture Jax had hung up. It was him, Jax, and Beth. Jax had always included Beth in his family drawings- even the ones for school. He had been asked multiple times if he had married Bethany, but he always shrugged it off with a laugh, always answering that Bethany and Jax were just extremely close.


Derek heard little footsteps on the stairs and braced himself for the screams, "Daddy!!! Beth, please!!!" Derek smiled at his son and brought him to the couch and picked up his phone, dialing Beth's number on FaceTime. It took about two minutes for Bethany to answer with a large smile on her face, "Beth!!" Jax cried out. Derek smiled at his son, and smiled wider when Beth answered back just as enthusiastically, "Jax I miss you buddy!!! Hey Derek!" "Hey Beth! " He called back, his face lighting up with a smile.


"Well we were wondering, if you were free soon sometimes because this little guy has missed you so much." Jax nodded with a big smile on his face. Bethany smirked, "Just him?" Derek felt his cheeks heat up, even through the phone she could easily make him blush. "No I do too, so when are you free?" Bethany laughed, "Tomorrow, I'll text you my address I have to go. I can't wait to see you two!!" Jax said goodbye saying he couldn't wait to see her either, "Bye babe!" He called into the phone before hanging up.


Derek watched Jax jump off his lap and run around the room, "Is it almost time?!" Derek sighed; he was in for a long night.


Derek tried to calm Jax down before they made it to Beth's apartment. He was jumping with excitement to see Beth. Derek ran around with Jax trying to find the apartment. He stopped at Bethany's door and looked at Jax, "Ready Bud?" Jax nodded his head up and down, "C'mon daddy! I wanna see Beth!" Derek smiled at his son and knocked on the door, instantly hearing somebody run towards the door.

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