Drunk In Love.

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No... this is not a prompt to Beyonce, it's just an accurate title! I really enjoyed writing this and I really hope you like it!! 


Drunk In Love. 

"Bethany I'm hooooommmmmmmmmeeeeee." Derek laughed, his blue eyes sparkling the same way they always did, but now his eyes were abnormally unfocused. No check out, Derek giggled, giggled. Something that Bethany had never seen come out of Derek's mouth. She took one last look at him before turning to the two idiots that were holding him up.

"Val, Mark, what the hell did you do to him!? Bethany yelled at them, keeping her eyes on her drunk boyfriend that slung between the arms of Val and Mark. Derek kept laughing, paying no attention to her and instead just looked at the house with a sense of the wonder. His eyes were hazy and unfocused and Bethany rolled her own. This was definitely the most drunk she had ever seen Derek in the three years that they'd been together.

Mark and Val, seeing the glares Bethany was giving them, were careful to choose their words before speaking. "OH...um... you see Beth, we wanted him to let loose for a bit since whenever we're at parties he never drinks...", Val tried to explain before glancing to Mark, a look on his face that read very clearly 'we're screwed'.

"Yeah and with all that crap that he had do at my wedding for being best man, I don't even think he had one beer at my wedding." Mark added innocently. Bethany, however, wasn't buying it.

She turned to keep her glare on them as they turned to sit Derek down at the couch, as if they were 5 year olds that had been caught with their hand in the cookie jar before dinner. "So...what? You decided to make it up to him by putting him into liver failure? How much did he drink?!"

Both looked at the ground, not answering before Bethany cleared her throat, demanding an answer. Val being the ever so brave one, was the one to speak up first.

"We made sure he always had something in his hand... ssss." He murmured, trying to keep his gaze firmly planted on the floor.

Bethany couldn't stop the snort that escaped out of her, before shoving both of the men out the door. "Your wives are sooooo get old about this." And once again, Bethany couldn't stop the small smirk of satisfaction that set home on her face when she saw the terrified faces of the men standing before her.

"C'mon Beth! Janel will make me sleep on the couch!" Val whimpered at her in a last attempt to get Bethany to change her mind.

Mark, however, just stood there. Considering Derek was his best friend, and Beth was Wit's, the two couples spent a lot more time together than the rest of the cast did and the three years Beth and Derek had been together, he'd come to learn a lot about the girl standing in front of him- including how stubborn she was. Mark knew that once Bethany made her mind up about something there would be no changing it, and Mark knew this would be getting back to Witney and Janel if it was the last thing she did.

In an attempt to make Val feel better about his situation, Mark told him of his own. "That's nothing Val, with Wit all hyped up on pregnancy hormones, our couch will be thrown at my head."

Bethany gave them one last smirk before closing the door and heading towards her phone, alerting Witney and Janel of what their husbands had done to Derek. She smirked again when they replied swiftly before turning towards the smiling idiot on the couch that was her boyfriend.

Derek was holding onto the corner of the couch, swaying side to side as he tried to keep his balance, the same wide grin on his face. "Heyyyyyyy beautifulll girll." He slurred, prompting Beth to let out a snort.

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