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First of all, I am so sorry I haven't posted lately. Lately I've been having a lot of technology problems, but I kept writing to have a lot to post when my internet was fixed, and today I got my computer back and I was planning to post like six prompts and apparently the guy that fixed my computer deleted all my files, even my school work, so I have to rewrite them but as soon as I do I plan to be much more active in the future! 




Derek couldn't breathe. He gasped for air as Mark and Val stood behind him, ready to catch him in case he fainted. He couldn't believe what was happening. This couldn't happen to his Bethany. Why her of all people?


He had been in the studio with Mark and Val just goofing off while they were supposed to be rehearsing a number. His phone rang and Mark picked it up since he was closest to it. His face went white as a sheet when hearing the news. Derek immediately got scared and ran over to Mark, "What's wrong? What happened??"


Mark wordlessly handed the phone to Derek, his face still pale. Derek put the phone to his ear, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. "Hell-oo?" He managed to stutter out. "Hello Mr. Hough?" the woman asked. "This is him." The woman took a sigh before starting to talk, like she already knew what she was going to say was going to hurt him, "Mr. Hough, in Ms. Bethany Mota's phone you were listed on speed dial, and we decided you would be the most prudent to call, are you in LA?"


Derek thought of everything that could've possibly happened to Beth. They had just hung out yesterday and she had been fine. He answered the woman that he was in LA, hearing his heart in his ears. "Ms. Mota has... suffered an accident, we found her in a flipped car outside Route 6, she is in critical condition."         


Derek shut his eyes in agony, he couldn't believe what the lady was saying, he managed to stutter out to ask what hospital she was in before hanging up and falling to the ground, tears pouring out his eyes. Mark ran over to him with wide eyes, "Let's go." Derek stood following Mark out to the parking lot, followed by Val who still followed even though he had no clue what was happening, he knew enough to know that something horrible happened.


Derek sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window, wondering what the hell he would do if anything happened to Bethany. She was a light in his life that he couldn't bare to lose. He shut his eyes to stop the tears from falling out, he was sure Bethany would make it through. "She's a fighter." He whispered to himself, remembering the words Carrie Ann had said to Bethany after their freestyle only months ago.


Mark stopped the car and all three of them flew out the doors, Derek sprinted to the main office, getting there and almost yelling asking about Bethany. As if on cue the doctor walked out asking for family of Bethany Mota. All three of them stood up seeing the doctor and rushed over to him looking at him expectantly for news. The doctor sighed the same way the lady had, I am so sorry to inform you this.." Derek felt his heart sink in his chest, there was no way Bethany could've died, she couldn't. If she did, he would go the same way she did. It wasn't even that they were dating, it was as simple as the fact that he was in love with her. But he refused to tell her, there was no need in destroying the amazing friendship the two of them had if Bethany didn't feel the same way, so he kept things the way they were. He was regretting that choice now that Bethany could've possibly left the world not truly knowing just how much Derek loved her.

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