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Bethany huffed in exasperation. She and the guys had been stuck in the studio for the past twelve hours, and it was starting to dawn on her. The guys and Derek had been working on a piece for Dancing with the Stars and Derek had insisted she come with him. Ever since she had gotten pregnant, Derek refused to let her out of his sight; she even had trouble convincing him to let her shower alone. She knew he meant well- that he wanted the baby and her to be perfectly okay, but this time it backfired on him.


The snow had kept them stuck in the studio for hours, and the stress was starting to dawn on both her and him. She was becoming restless, and Derek was having trouble calming her down. At 9 months pregnant, and ready to pop at any minute, stress wasn't any good on Bethany or the baby.


The guys had nothing left but to finish the piece while they were there, Derek had managed to find a bunch of blankets and pillows for Beth to lie around on, and she sat there smiling, watching them fool around on the dance floor.


Her smile faltered when she felt a sharp pain shoot up her stomach. She grunted, trying to keep quiet. If Derek knew she was in pain he would freak out, and he didn't need more weight on his shoulders. She knew she was having false contractions. She had had them numerous times and she still had two weeks to go in her pregnancy, there was no way the baby was coming. She concentrated on watching them perform, twenty minutes later feeling the same sharp pain.


She ignored it. She ignored it for twenty minutes. Then another ten. Then another five until she couldn't take it anymore, she screamed out. The pains were getting closer and stronger as time went by. As soon as Derek heard her cry out, he ran over to her, not caring that they had been in the middle of the number. She looked at him calmly though she felt another sharp pain shoot up her stomach; she couldn't let him know she was in pain.


She opened her mouth to explain to Derek that she was fine; that the baby had just kicked a little too hard, when she heard a pop and a gush of water. Bethany looked down, almost crying when she saw that her water had broken. Derek had already crouched down to her, "What are you we going to do? There's no way to get out of here and your water just broke." He yelled at the guys to stop the music and told them what had happened while he gripped Beth's hand while she was going through another contraction.


She looked up to see the guy's reactions. Mark was already set in serious mode (which he very rarely did), immediately crouching down to hold her free hand, rubbing her stomach telling her she would be okay. Val looked terrified to say the least. His face had gone white as a sheet, and he was trying to look anywhere but Bethany.


The next few minutes were blurred for Bethany when an extremely strong contraction came on. She gripped Derek's hand letting out a small scream, letting out labored breathes when it was over. Derek had no idea what to do. He wanted to cry but he held in his tears so Bethany wouldn't be scared, but inside he was going mad. His wife was in horrible pain, his child was ready to be born, and he had no idea what to do. Mark picked up the phone pushing the numbers to 911.


"Hello 911, what is your emergency?" The operator asked. "We have a woman in labor and no way to reach a hospital!" Mark yelled into the receiver. The operator gave them instructions: to wash their hands, and to take off Beth's underwear and spread her legs.  Derek grabbed a blanket off the ground, covering Beth before he took off her underwear and sweatpants. Val grabbed Bethany's hand, incapable of doing anything else. The operator gave them more instructions: one person would have to keep checking for when she was ready to push, that person would have to be ready to catch the baby. Derek gulped, terrified of the idea that he had to be the one to deliver his baby. The other person would have to crouch behind her, pushing her forward when she had to push. Mark got behind Bethany, much calmer than the rest of them.

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