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Ok just to start I'd like to address Bethany and her new video. Bethany is doing this for all of us, she has a clothing line to manage, she had DWTS, she has an actual life, and on top of that delivers high quality videos for us. What else do you want?! The amount of hate on Bethany has gotten out of control, and it really bothers me how most of her 'fans' are the ones doing all the complaining. Yeah I'm aware we're not getting as many videos, but Bethany is doing so much for us and it seriously bothers me how her 10 year old fans are hating on her because they don't have a clue what it means to be busy. Bethany edits her videos BY HERSELF. And I know she gets paid for her videos, and if she really just cared about self-promotion and money she would just post any horrible video every week, but she takes her time to post them FOR US. Some people really need to get a grip on things and think about what they're typing before they do. Now that my rant is done, here's a request I got. Enjoy!!! Btw Nick Jonas' song Jealous was playing in my head the entire time. :)




Bethany walked out of the studio to walk into another room for interviews, instantly shivering feeling the change in temperature. She hugged her arms to herself and regretted not bringing her coat. She was showing a lot of skin in her corset dress and it certainly didn't help to cover her from the cold. Derek saw her shiver and instantly started to take off his coat to hand to her, but Bethany refused, "Derek I'll be fine, you'll be an icicle." Derek without even considering her words peeled off his coat and handed it to her, frowning at her and starting to put it back on when she walked away refusing to take the coat. Derek sighed, he knew there was no way he could change Bethany's mind, she was stubborn. He opted to instead hug his arms around her waist in attempt to keep her warm.


They walked to every interviewer each one congratulating them for their performances, each one trying to dig deeper, trying to find secrets, trying to create drama that they never had to deal with, but they just shook everything off. That is until Derek couldn't find a way to just 'shake it off'.


Derek and Bethany walked up to the Afterbuzz interview station where Allison was waiting for them but JC was nowhere to be seen. "Just wait a minute." Allison told them, "We have to bring in a replacement for JC, apparently they have no clue where he was." Just as she finished explaining to them what happened, a young man ran up, "I'm filling in for JC, my names Chase." Derek already disliked his cocky attitude, but Bethany didn't notice, she was too intrigued in how good-looking he was.


Unlike other interviewers that started by talking about the performances, Chase started taking about how good Bethany looked, and he gets it, because she does. The corset emphasizes how tiny her waist is, it pushes her chest up, and the long slit at  one side of the dress certainly wasn't helping ward off any guys. He hugs her to his chest, joking around that she was all his, the Motough shippers were sure to go wild with that one later. But Chase didn't miss a bit, immediately asking him if he would share, he grabbed Bethany's arm and he pulled her to his chest. Derek started to frown and looked at Allison with a helpless look, begging her to help him get out of the awkward situation. Allison noticed and started to talk about their dances, he shot her a grateful look, but he was still uncomfortable, Bethany didn't seem to want to move from Chase's arms and she stayed there throughout the whole interview.


Derek clutched his hands at his sides and bit the inside of his cheek violently, he himself didn't understand what was wrong with him. He had had dozens of dance partners, but this was the first time he had truly felt jealous because another guy was flirting with her. He could feel his mind turning into shreds. If the guy said one more thing about Beth's body like he had during just about the entire interview, he wasn't going to hold back. Beth didn't deserve to be talked to like that, like she was a piece of meat. Oh god, he was starting to sound like an enraged feminist.


The camera man gave them the cue, letting them know to close the interview, Bethany finished her final thought and they did the signature goodbye. A producer walked up to them and told them that they were done for the day, they were allowed to go home. He had been about to ask Bethany if she wanted to come over to his house to watch movies with Mark and Sadie when he saw something that made his anger rage. Bethany was laughing at something Jake had said, the sparkle in her eyes evident, her hand on his bicep, but Chase didn't care about her beauty he was too distracted by her butt. He was about to blow when he saw Chase tap her butt and Bethany jump up, when Mark ran over to him and asked him if he and Bethany were coming. He answered that Bethany wasn't, he didn't want to look at her the rest of the night knowing that she was having such a good time with Chase. he would explain himself to her in a text the next morning.


Bethany walked into the studio the next morning, a smile on her face. She opened the door to the rehearsal and smiled wider, surprised at how Derek hadn't been late. His head shot up and he nodded at her, not standing up for their usual hug. "Maybe he's just tired." She thought. She understood it, she was beyond exhausted too.


Derek stood up and sat next to her, not saying more than telling her to start stretching. Bethany frowned at his change of attitude. Did something happen? What was wrong? She decided to just let it go, maybe after rehearsing for a while the ice would be broken.


But there was no such luck, he continued to only talk to her when necessary, even snapping at her when she missed a move. Bethany had wanted to deal with it, she didn't want to seem like she was complaining, especially in front of the camera that would be sure to capture their first fight that would no doubt be featured in their video package to millions of people. She managed to hold her tongue until the camera men left, but the second they were gone Bethany turned around, her hands on her hips, a wide frown on her face. "Spill, what's up with you?" Derek rolled his eyes and didn't answer, "Nothing." he said.


Bethany sighed, 'I guess there's no other way.' She walked out of the door and into Mark's studio, "Do you know what's wrong with Derek?" Mark frowned at her, "I have no clue, he did act kinda weird after the interviews last night." Bethany flashed back to last night, thinking of what could've possibly upset Derek, and then she remembered their last interview with Chase. The jerk had tried to talk her up, even patting her butt. That hadn't ended well for him, he had ended up with a big slap mark across his face. She thanked Mark and walked back into the studio where Derek was sitting with his phone in his hands again, still not looking up at her. "I guess sometimes you have to take risks." Bethany thought. She knew there was no way to convince Derek to talk to her, he was as stubborn as they came. They walked right over to him and plopped down on his lap, forcing him to look up at her with wide eyes.


"Tell me the truth. Is this about Chase?" Derek's stare immediately dropped down when she said his name, and that was how Bethany knew she was right. "Oh Derek." Derek finally looked up at her, "You seemed to be having a pretty good time." He said, a small hint of disappointment in his voice. Bethany's heart broke a little watching him. She didn't think he would care, she thought she was just another dance partner to him. Bethany smiled, happy that she actually meant something to him.


"Well did you wait to see what happened after the booty-tapping?" Derek smiled with a bit of confusion in his eyes, expecting an answer. Bethany burst out laughing, "He left with a bright red mark on his face. Pretty sure he won't try that ever again." Derek smiled at her proudly and brought to his chest with a warm embrace. Bethany could tell he was still a tiny bit upset, "Derek I swear I would never go for somebody like him, especially when I already have you."


Derek squeezed her tighter, "Promise?" he whispered in her ear. Bethany broke from the hug just to completely look him in the eye, "I promise." Derek felt time slow down as he brought Bethany closer to his lips. Their lips interlocked and he felt everything he thought he would. He had never much believed of feeling 'fireworks' when you kissed the one, but now he finally knew what they meant. He smiled into the kiss, tangling his arms in her hair. Yeah they would be just fine.


Please comment some feedback and some news prompts, I hope you guys liked it!!!

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