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Hey guys! So here is another update, and I'm warning you I'm not particulary proud of this, it's not my best work and it's a lot shorter than the others, but nonetheless I hope you guys like it and please leave some suggestions on how to make the story better! Thanks!


Beth quits YouTube.


Bethany took a deep breath before pressing 'upload' on the video on Youtube. She was just about to announce she was quitting YouTube, she just couldn't deal with the hate anymore it getting to be unbearable, she just had too much on her plate. Between her music, clothing line, and modeling deal she just couldn't deal with it anymore. She knew she was bound to lose so many fans, but the hate was getting to a point where she considered things. Things she never wanted to do to get rid of the pain.


She quickly grabbed her phone and erased her Instagram bio, she knew if she left it there she would get endless hate for it. She set her phone down and walked to the living room in her apartment, just waiting for the hate to blow in, waiting for it to be over.


Derek's phone vibrated violently. He picked it up and turned it over, and watched the endless flood of Instagram comments trickle in. All of them leaving nasty comments about how apparently it was all fault though he had no clue what they were talking about. He unlocked his phone and pressed at a random photo and read the comments, all of them talking about YouTube, Bethany flashed in his mind and out of curiosity he searched for her Instagram. The first red flag he saw in his mind was the fact that Bethany had no Instagram bio, though she had always expressed her love for her motavators in it. He pressed the link to her YouTube channel and waited for it to load.


He waited impatiently for it to load and sat down on his couch, waiting to see why all of Bethany's fans had freaked out. He pressed her most recent video, frowning at the name of the video, 'News..'. Bethany had always been the type to display creative titles for her videos, and to see something like that let up another red flag in his mind.


The video started with Bethany sitting down on the middle of her bed, a frown etched on her face, causing a frown to erupt on his face, whatever Bethany was about to announce, wasn't going to be pretty. " I have no idea how to start this video, but I guess I'll apologize in advance for basically everything this video does..but umm.." Derek trailed his chest constraining in worry for his poor Beth, but he paid attention to the video instead wanting to know what was wrong with his girl. "I've told you guys how one of my biggest fears has been being unhappy for a long period of time..and I'm sad to say that it came true. Lately I've been recieving a lot of hate, it was like bullying all over again and I began to deal with it the same ways, but I realize that a lot of it is coming from YouTube, I love what I do, but lately I haven't been able to update and I know that some of you have been upset about it, but some have taken it too far, I can't deal with the hate anymore..." Bethany let a tear escape from her eye, causing Derek's heart to shatter, he could see how everything was affecting her. 


His bubbly Beth had disappeared because of the haters, he kept listening to the video. "And I just feel like... it would be better if I quit YouTube, I know I'll lose fans, but I figure in the long run it'll be worth it, I really truly love you guys." She gave a quick smile to the camera before ending the video.


Derek felt his heart breaking piece by piece in his chest, he couldn't believe Bethany had been living with this for so long. He had pointed out the hate to her, he had sent out tweets to leave her alone but Bethany had always insisted that she was fine, she that she knew how to handle it, and he believed her. Derek whipped his head around to look at the clock, it read 8:00, he hoped Bethany was still awake. He ran out of his house not bothering to tell Mark where he was going, he walked out to his car and drove to Bethany's apartment building. 


He stopped in front of her door, not knowing what he was getting himself into, all he knew was that Bethany needed support and she would be the one to give it to him. He walked into the apartment, planning to ask Bethany to lock it soon. He walked into her apartment, immediately being hit with the scent of vanilla and Chanel. He smiled at her apartment, it screamed Bethany from the rugs on the floor, to the stickers all over the cabinets.


He remembered why he was there and started to walk towards Bethany's bedroom, before he saw her phone on the couch. He picked it up and opened the phone, checking her open Instagram, and his heart broke a little more seeing just how much hate Bethany was receiving over her decision. Fans were calling her just about every insult there was, he made a radical decision and changed Bethany's password, he planned to give it to her in a few days when everything died down.


He continued his trek to Bethany's bedroom and lightly opened the door. He stopped in his tracks hearing the loud sobs coming from the bed, and his heart finished shattering. He ran over to her and picked her up pushing her against his chest, "Baby, it's okay. We're okay, I'm here."


Bethany looked up at him, not bothering to ask how he had gotten it, she instead chose to bury her head into his chest, letting her sobs echo around the room, "I just couldn't do it anymore Derek.." Derek silenced her with a tight squeeze, "I know baby I know." And in that moment he knew, with his girl in his arms that he was hopelessly in love. He pressed her harder against him when he realized it, he would make sure she would be okay, they would be okay, and he planned to make up all the love her fans had failed to give her. He kissed her temple and smiled when he realized that she had fallen asleep. He looked at her face and smiled, seeing how adorable she looked. He got under the covers with her and spooned her, whispering a soft 'I love you.' before he turned out the lights, falling asleep a small smile on both their faces.


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