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I saw this idea a while back and fell in love with it, so I decided to try writing something like it. This idea was golden srg-prompts! This can get a bit confusing after a while so just remember: 2 Women, 1 Derek :)  



Different inflection when you say my name

Kiss me, but your kiss don't taste the same

Is it real or am I going out of my mind?

Curious 'bout the company that you keep

Cause I hear you talking 'bout her in your sleep

And now you've got me talking 'bout her in mine

It's weird now. Just a week ago she had Derek Hough at the palm of her hand. He used to be leaving home with thoughts of her in his brain, and coming back with them too, until he started to come home with thoughts of her. And then he started to leave the house with them too.

He said her name different, like every time he went to say her name he almost said another one, but caught himself just in time. He said her name different when he told her he loved her.

He kissed her different. His kiss no longer tasted like her love, or her favorite lipstick. She couldn't pinpoint what it did taste like though, it wasn't something she'd ever felt from him before. Was it true love what he was feeling? Did she not know what true love was? Maybe she didn't... not anymore.

'Am I taking this too far?' She thought, almost pulling out her hair searching for an answer. Was she just so worried about losing him that she was imagining things between him and her that weren't there? He was a professional dancer and it was his job to have chemistry between everyone. She'd first hand experienced that.

She was just curious about that girl, that woman in general. Was this woman really capable of coming between her and Derek? She'd met her, and thought she was just about the sweetest person. She didn't think this was her doing- this was all Derek.

She could hear him mumbling her name in his dreams with a ghost of a smile on his face, shooting knives into her heart every time he said it- each time a little bit louder than the last. He used to say her name like that.

After weeks, she starts having dreams about her too. She starts mumbling about her in her sleep too. She knows she does because she can see the guilt in his eyes when they wake up in the morning. She knows because she notices that Derek doesn't ask her what he thought of their dance anymore. She knows because he stops telling her how his day went with her.

They don't talk about her, but they do. This woman was making more of a difference in their lives than they ever even thought possible.

Ooh, and I bet she has it all, bet she's beautiful like you, like you

And I bet she's got that touch, makes you fall in love like you, like you

I can taste her lipstick and see her laying across your chest

I can feel the distance every time you remember her fingertips

Maybe I should be more like her

Maybe I should be more like her

I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too

Ay, she's perfect

Ay, she's perfect

It was hard to hate her, no matter how bad she wanted to. She had everything you possibly needed to love her. She was sweet, and hard working, and she was absolutely beautiful. She was just like him in every single way. He was sweet, she was sweet. He was hard working, she was hard working. He was beautiful, and she was too.

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