Paso Doble.

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Okay first of all i want to thank you guys for 4k reads i am seriously so happy you guys are liking these i never thought i would even get 100 reads, and something else i want to talk about. When I upload these prompts they are usually my ideas or prompts that are requested, but everything you read is my own writing, Maybe sometimes if i like an idea i'll incorporate it into my story but I always let the person know, especially if i read that persons writing. one of my followers told me that a writer took one of my ideas and made it pass off as her own, and I seriously don't care if you want to use one of my ideas but give me credit because I work really hard on my writing and i guess it kinda bugs me that that person is going to get a bunch of reads on something that was originally my idea. Thanks for reading and I hope you like it!


Paso Doble.


Bethany brushed her hands through her hair, letting out a deep breath. Derek looked at her from the other side of the room, frustration evident in his eyes. "C'mon." He said to her. Bethany started to stand up slowly. She was so tired; all she wanted was to go to sleep. She huffed again before meeting with Derek in the middle. He looked at her straight in the eyes as if to ask 'you ready?' Bethany gave him a quick nod and grabbed her skirt, ready to flourish it.


Bethany heard the music start and before she even took a step, Derek was yelling at her to do it right. Bethany closed her eyes anguish, they never had problems in rehearsal until now, and she wouldn't be the cause of their first fight. Bethany bit her tongue, trying to keep the words lodged in her throat, and tried to ignore the pitiful looks the guys from the troupe were giving her. 'Just do it Bethany c'mon.' She encouraged herself.


The music started again and she flourished her skirt, ignoring the fact that Derek wasn't even paying attention to her. She made it halfway through the routine before Derek stopped the music. She turned around, wanting to know what she did wrong this time. Derek stood there, anger written all over his face. He walked right up to her and stopped right before he stepped on her toes, "Okay what is up with you Bethany? I get that you're tired but guess what? We're all tired, so please just suck it up." Bethany felt the tears start to form at the corners of her eyes, but instead put her head down and nodded, she could do this for him, she knew how important this was to him, she could do it.


 The music started again and before she even moved she heard Derek yelling, "Bethany please!" She turned around and looked at him and she saw all the vile words he was trying to hold back in his eyes. She breathed deeply but no matter how much she tried she couldn't hold the tears back. The tears started to fall down her face and furiously wiped them away, no, she wouldn't be one of those celebrities that couldn't handle a bit of tough criticism, she wouldn't let millions see her cry. She wiped away the tears and got back in position.


The guys in the troupe stared at Bethany with surprise and admiration on their faces. They all agreed Derek was pushing Bethany too hard. He was starting to feel the pressure that most of the pros started to feel this time in the competition, especially if they have a contender like Bethany. But the way Derek was treating her, was too much. They were one of the couples on the show that never fought, it was mostly just love for each other and to see them go from complete love to this was surprising. They had expected Bethany to break the first ten minutes after they started, but seeing her keep going no matter how many times Derek yelled at her, was admirable, especially for somebody so young.


Bethany grabbed the ends of her skirt, waiting for when Derek would be ready to start. He was on his phone, completely oblivious to Bethany. She waited there holding the ends of her skirt for about five minutes, when Sasha cracked. All the guys in the troupe were protective of Bethany and Sadie because they were the youngest two, but Sasha and Henry had grown extremely close to Bethany, and it bothered them to see her hurting so much. "Derek, Beth isn't going to wait forever, get your head out of your ass and let's go!"

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