Truly, Madly, Deeply.

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I know this is weird since I'm updating so late (at least for my time zone) but I was listening to this song and everything just screamed 'MOTOUGH!' at me, that I just got really into it and I'm kinda proud about it. I saw a fanfic like this on tumblr for like one direction or something (don't judge) and I really wanted to try it out, and if you liked it comment some songs so I can write a few more, thanks!!! I really hope you guys like this! P.S. The song video is down there if you want to listen to it while you're reading, it's the version by One Direction and I typically don't listen to their music but this was incredible and makes me a bundle of emotions when I listen to it. :) 


Truly, Madly, Deeply.


//Am I asleep am I awake or somewhere in between

I cant believe that you are here and lying next to me

Or did I dream that we were perfectly entwined

Like branches on a tree, or twigs caught on a vine//


Derek laid on the bed, hugging Bethany close to his chest, feeling ease every time he could feel her chest rise up and down with her breath. He smiled at the intimacy of their position, with their legs all tangled together underneath all the blankets. This was what he had fought for all those months ago when they thought this whole thing was impossible. But here they were living something that he had convinced himself was a daydream and could never be anything more than, but here they were with their legs entwined like twigs caught on a vine. With Bethany's unruly curls draped over the pillow, and the sweet scent of her perfume invading his nose. He smiled when he heard her mumble.


//Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss

And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this

I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl

And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world//


He looked down at the tiny girl he had incased in his arms and he was flashed back to all those months ago when their season of Dancing with the Stars was still happening. He remembered all the rehearsals and all the silly moments. He remembered the heat and the passion. He remembered week 6, the first week after switch-up week. To say he was stoic was an understatment, as much as it surprised him himself he still wasn't over the tiny kiss that Mark and Bethany had shared during the routine. 


He smiled thinking of how much Bethany teased him when she found out, and she was constantly doing everything in her power to make sure Derek's want for kissing her got greater. With the red lipstick, and the suggestive clothing, Derek was desperate for at least one kiss- and he got something so much better than that. He remembered their first kiss like it was yesterday, he and Bethany had been rehearsing for their tango when they both felt the sexual energy just rise in seconds when their lips got dangerously close. Nothing would've happened and they still would've been at square one if Bethany hadn't thrown caution to the wind and pressed her lips to his, and it was the last thing Derek could've ever expected. 


She was 19 years old and he was 29, there were so many obstacles in their way that Derek would've never imagined Bethany choosing to be with somebody like him when she could have anybody she wanted. But she did- she chose him and when she did, Derek didn't hesitate to tell everybody, making sure nobody ever laid their eyes on his girl.

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