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So this is an excerpt from my new story(!!!), Blue. (Yes, you'll later find out why it's called Blue). :)



"What does love feel like?"

Bethany looked at him weird, "Don't tell me you don't remember what that feels like, I don't think I'll believe you." She said laughing.

"Tell me." He insisted.

She sighed, trying to find the words that described the feeling she felt so much when she was around him.

"Love is..." She trailed off, thinking of what words could describe such an indescribable feeling.

"Love is when you notice the person doing the tiniest things like smiling even for a split second, or seeing them ruffle their hands through their hair, or seeing do a habit of their like playing with the seam of their shirt and you can't help but smile." She smiled to herself thinking to herself all the times she watched him do just what she said, feeling the feeling she was trying to describe.

"Love is when you feel dizzy after seeing a person smile and this warm fluttery feeling comes into your stomach." She looked at him again, seeing how intensely he was staring at her.

"Love is when you you go to work and a car drives by and dripped you completely in mud, and you get to work and you've forgotten the important papers your boss wanted from you, and you lost your wallet on the way home and you spilled your coffee all over your front shirt and you've had the absolute worst day, but when you get home and that person starts talking about how much they missed you none of it matters anymore because you're with them and you get to smell their perfume and hear their laugh and tease them with small pecks on their lips and then you cook dinner together, and everything's just fine. That's love." Bethany finished, taking a breath of air.

The room was then filled with silence, the air heavy with all that she said. She started to get up, thinking that maybe she said a little too much and scared him when she's pulled back into Derek before she can take a step. And suddenly he's kissing her and she's on his lap and his hands are running through her hair. He's yanking off her sweater and she can taste the wine they had a few minutes before on his lips. This she thinks, this is what love is. 

To be continued... 


Summary will be up soon!

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