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So this is the 69th prompt I've updated and that deserves a celebration bc why not soooo to take the cake from Arthur this is the longest prompt I've ever written and if you like these I have a couple more in store and if you hate them.... oh well. Enjoy :)))))



She hasn't moved in, she tells herself. It isn't moving in until her toothbrush is at Derek's apartment (or so she tells herself).


It's Sadie. Sweet and innocent Sadie who makes the first observation filled with pointed accusations and implications much to the shock of basically the whole world (well, the dwts world).

"Is that Derek's flannel you're wearing Bethany?" She asks with a small, a small smirk already on her face. "I swear I saw him wear it yesterday when we were all having dinner at Mark's!" Sadie says in response as Bethany furiously shakes her head from side to side, willing to stop this particular conversation.

"I've even heard Briddy say that you don't get to the hotel most nights." Sadie says, her smirk growing even greater. Soon enough the rest of the cast jumps in just to make the situation even worse as they see Derek's smirk growing and Bethany turning fifty shades of red.

Much to Bethany's fear and realization she knows they kinda make a point, she never gets a hotel when she's in New York as she knows Derek will get mad at her and come to her hotel to pick her and her stuff up anyway.

Mark, being the designated jokester of the group can't help to jump in on the fun, "So that's what that bottle of chick shampoo was doing in your shower!" He yells pointing at Derek.

Meanwhile while of this is happening Bethany's already shoved her face into Derek's chest trying to hide her ever-growing blush. "It's like you're a pair of horny teenagers and/or a married couple!" Mark says, just trying to keep what Sadie initiated relevant.

"Why are we even talking about this?!" Beth stumbles out, growing angry instead of embarrassed but nonetheless even her jerk of a boyfriend can't help but join into the fun.

"She is. She practically is." Derek tells Sadie much to her annoyance. And that's when Bethany finds it in her to head straight to get a drink, leaving her laughing group of what she calls friends, behind. She keeps a stubborn look on her face but Bethany can't stop the fear from growing inside her because holy shit Sadie and Mark and everybody else are kind of right.

She's too busy freaking at the mere mention of what she's kind of doing that she doesn't hear her boyfriend walking up behind and doesn't see him until he's already tugging his fingers through her belt loops, tugging on them until her face is an inch away from his.

"Hey." He says in her ear, "Don't panic, you know they're just playing, let them have their fun." He's surprised when she doesn't push him away and instead just cuddles into his chest, and it's almost too much for him to handle, he finds Beth incredibly adorable (he seriously thinks it should be illegal to be this tiny and adorable) and this situation is only helping his cause and before he can stop himself he finds himself laughing into her ear, causing the ever ticking time bomb to explode.

Pushing him away roughly Bethany yells at him, "It's not funny Derek!" Her eyes are completely serious, so are words but at the corners of her lips are tugging upward and he can tell she's fighting back a smile, making his heart tighten in the best of ways.

"Don't panic." He repeats, not wanting her to build up her walls that he took so long to break during their time on the show.

"I'm not." She says, "Because what Sadie is saying is completely false." She says confidently (though she knows it's 100% true).

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