14,000 Things.

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Okay so this isn't my best prompt but I had this idea and decided to write, I hope you guys like it and thanks so much for 37K reads it's mindblowing!!! P.S. Literally all I'm doing is checking wattpad like every two minutes to see if my favorite authors updated bc I need motough and yeahhhhh y'all are amazing writers! OHH and if anybody is confused about the writing of it what I meant is that beth wrote a few of their memories (the bolded words) in the copy of the book she gave Derek and Derek is just remembering the significance of the word/memory, hope this helped!


14,000 Things.


Derek smiled dorkily at Bethany from the other side of the room as she stuck her tongue out at him. He tried to pay attention to the movie, but he couldn't, Beth had all his attention. Even in just one of his oversized tee-shirts, messy curls around her face, and no makeup on, he found her to be completely stunning, and she was all he saw.


It was a going away party for him as he prepared to go to New York. He was supposed to be asleep right now as he knew that in only ten hours he would have to be up and on a plane to New York, but Bethany was worth staying up for.


He had missed his bright sunshine of light while they were apart, it had been three months since they had seen each other in person since the show ended. Three long months of no hugs and forehead kisses that always started their days off right. Three long months of not having Derek poke her dimple as he usually did while interrupting a conversation. Three long months without each other, and now that they were together again they were going to spend every second of it together.


Even though they had the time limit together for only ten hours, Derek felt extremely happy that he was with her again. If even possible, it seemed that she had gotten more beautiful since the show ended, her hair a dusky blond, her skin a darker tone, and the bright light that shone from her was incredible, he would sure miss her while he was away.


They had spent the night goofing around and taking about a million pictures that Derek insisted needed to be taken even though Beth hated it. "I look horrible Derek stop!" Derek quickly shook his head and laughed at her, "You look beautiful babe I'm serious! You look so cute in my shirt, I want that one back though, like I want my flannel back too!" Bethany shook her head at him and laughed jumping on top of the bed, "You told me I could keep it! I look better in it anyway." Derek laughed and agreed, knowing that she did.


They laid in each other's arms for a moment, loving the silence that had fallen over them like a blanket that hadn't once been there since they had arrived at the hotel together. In the midst of their silent cuddling session on the couch Bethany shot up, "That reminds me!!" She jumped out her bag and picked out two books, rushing back to the bed with excitement shining in her eyes.


"So when I knew you were leaving, I knew that you needed something to remember me by, and I know this isn't much but I just... it'll help you remember me, and that's something that I can only hope you want to do and you know I'm going to miss you so much and I just really-" She was stopped by Derek who annoyingly nudged before she talked herself into a hole. He took the books from her hands and set it on the table, not caring about anything other than her at the moment. He laid with her again as he could hear her slight heartbeat as she pressed into him, he knew their time was running out, he would check the present later as he was sure it wasn't or ever would be as important to him as her, though he wasn't sure if anything ever would be.

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