for him.

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Slightly AU, slightly explicit, slightly in love with this song. :)
for him.

We are runnin' so fast
And we never look back
And whatever I lack, you make up
We make a really good team
Though not everyone sees
We got this crazy chemistry
Between us

She didn't know why she was moving so fast with this guy that she had just met a few days ago. Maybe it was the way his bright blue eyes lit up every time she looked into them. Maybe it was the way she could feel his heart speed up every time she pressed her lips to his. Maybe it was just the way he said her name, like he was always biting back a smile. Maybe he wasn't a good guy and she was making herself believe all of these things to have a bit of credibility whenever somebody asked her what the hell she was doing dating a 30 year old man. She didn't really know, didn't really care.

She just knew that they were a good team, knew that from the second she started dancing with him in preparation for their dance in three weeks. Whatever she lacked in dance talent, he made up with his. Whenever he lacked in making the studio a carefree, easy going place and got too serious, she lightened up the mood with her quirky nature the way only she knew how to do.

They knew they had chemistry, good chemistry, they could even argue- amazing chemistry.

People on the show closest to them could see it, could really see the fire burning between their eyes when they looked at each other. Along with the fire, silent conversations flowed easily between looks- both of them laughing only when they knew it was appropriate.

People started to ship them almost immediately, praying for them to date- oh, how little they knew. While they were begging them to have a first date, Bethany and Derek had already done everything a couple in a 5 year long relationship had done.

Others, were extremely against the idea of Derek and Bethany together, and to some extent- they were too. It was dangerous; getting attached to the other person considering they had 3 months time together- they knew that, and they knew that well.

Still, there wasn't anybody or anything that could drag them away from the fire that always burned so brightly in their eyes.

Jump starting your car 'cause this city's a bore
Buying e-cigarettes at the convenience store
Making new clichés on our own little tour
Let's ride

They shouldn't be bored, they should be anything but bored. They should be tired- Bethany more than anything. She should be sore, and she was, but not in the way she should be. Instead of being tired from dancing all day, she was tired of constantly being dragged into the wonderful cycle that was Derek Hough. She was tired of falling for those blue eyes that displayed love, but she thought was simply lust.

She was sore, but not from constantly redoing a dance that worked her to no end. Instead she was sore from constantly being kissed and touched in places she'd never been kissed or touched before.

She was bored though. After many years of spotlight and constantly being watched and having to be the 'perfect' role model, she felt like a fox being hunted. At times she needed at least five minutes to just live and breath the way she hadn't been able to since before she started her YouTube channel.

Don't get her wrong, she was a goody two shoes by nature. She rarely felt the need to do something crazy. The same went for Derek. They really didn't know what it was about the other that made them just pick their keys and a few condoms before jumping into Derek's car and just drive.

She didn't know where he was taking her, and she found herself thinking that she didn't really care.

Driving along the picture worthy streets of Los Angeles made her realize what a bore the city was. The perfect Palm trees lined up on the streets and 7-11's everywhere would have Lana Del Rey crooning a song she'd inevitably love, but would have her rolling her eyes at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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