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So I don't know how I feel about this and that makes me kinda upset considering this is my favorite song of all time and yeahhhhhhhh...



//In the morning when I wake

And the sun is coming through,

Oh, you fill my lungs with sweetness,

And you fill my head with you.//

Derek felt himself start to smile as he woke up. The sun proved to be high in the sky as the light shined through his curtains, casting a beautiful light on an even more beautiful woman. Beth snuggled into his arms as the light started to shine on her. "You're so lazy you know that right?" He chuckles as she snuggles herself into him more, which only results in him poking her dimples to her dismay and his delight.

It had been three months since the last time he saw those dimples embedded in her cheeks and now that he had them in his sight again he was wasting no time. Ever since he had arrived at her hotel last night it had been that way, sharing the constant affection that they were forced to keep to themselves while they were separated. It had been a struggle for all the couples of Dancing with the Stars to adjust not seeing their partner to practice every day as they had for three months, but for them it was different. Anybody could see the connection that the two had formed in such a short time. When they looked at each other it was like words were passing between their eyes like magic. They held each other's hands like they were lifelines and loved each other beyond the confines of 'just friends'.

They wasted no time in catching up the second Derek arrived. Derek told her about Broadway and Beth told him about her album. He told her about the season of the show and she told him about her magazine covers. He told about everything and she did too, except for those three words that were lingering in their minds ever since the show started. The three words that meant so much, but were so scarcely heard between them.

They understood their love for each other even if it was never explained; they were too scared to ruin what they had, so they settled for somewhere between the confines of 'something more' to 'lovers'.  They found themselves somewhere between the boundaries of psychotic and iconic

Derek started to laugh as Bethany suddenly stood up on the bed, their laughs heard loudly as Bethany jumped on the bed, squealing when Derek put his hand around her ankle and brought her back to him. "You're bipolar I swear. One minute you're half dead and the next you're about to kill me with your hyper attacks."

Derek got out of bed and dragged Beth with him, grabbing her waist lightly as he glided in her room from side to side. Bethany put her hands around his neck as she glided to the imaginary music that was playing.

Derek loved this about her, the fact that he didn't need to say anthing, she just caught on. They were each other's missing puzzle pieces, no matter what one put out the other would find the match. He twirled her one last time, the scent of her perfume invading the air. He inhaled the sweet scent, his lungs filled with it. Once again they started their dance around her room, her laughter filling the air.

He smiled again as that was all he ever did around her. He smiled so much more because of her. She was always invading his mind and he didn't want it any other way.

//Shall I write it in a letter?

Shall I try to get it down?

Oh, you fill my head with pieces

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