Between Shades of Pink.

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This isn't one of my best (not by a long shot), but I thought it was okay so...


Between Shades of Pink.

We're not, no we're not friends, nor have we ever been.

We just try to keep those secrets in a lie,

And if they find out, will it all go wrong?

And Heaven knows, no one wants it to.

It's risky. Even riskier than a relationship between a normal 20 year old and normal 30 year old man would be, and god knew that was already risky enough. Cameras were trained on them at all times, their fans and haters, everybody had them trained under a microscope and were just waiting for a mistake- ready to broadcast it to the entire world, ready to destroy their careers.

It's ironic isn't it? True love is supposed to be your guide, your motivator, but instead it was tearing them down. So they put on their masks and pretended to be something they weren't, could never  really be. They can't be just friends, they both knew that, their friends knew that, but that was what they had to be.

'We can't be just friends.' Derek thought as he looked at her from the other side of the room.They only had a few hours before she left LA again to see the world without him. She shoots him a small smile before turning her attention back to the pictures on the wall. A few of those pictures were of them, back when they were on the show. 'You weren't just friends back then either.' His brain tells him. And he knows, he does.

He's aware of how much he loved her, how much he loves her. He didn't need all of his friends and family telling him what he already knew, but they did it anyway. It didn't matter whether they did it though, he wouldn't make a move towards her, he couldn't do that to her. He couldn't ruin the bright career she was sure to have before it even really got started.

He couldn't ruin her chance to design beautiful dresses, and walk in fashion shows. He could never stop her from traveling the world or writing music, performing in venues, making videos and meeting fans. He couldn't take everything away from her. He loved her too much to do that to her.

He never really knew how hard it was to keep secrets until he had to keep one this big. It was so hard to not pull her into him and kiss her every time she shot him her bright smile. It was so hard to swallow the 'I love you's' that were meant for her and shove them into the  back of his mind. It was so hard not to love her anytime she did anything, because absolutely everything and anything she did made him love her just a tiny bit more.

'Don't think about this.' He scolded himself, 'You're only making it harder.' "Can't stop." He mumbled, at war with himself. 'Just think about what the world would think if they caught you having these thoughts, think about Beth.' His mind told him. He sighed. This was driving him crazy, that was one thing he was sure of.

If they find out what he was thinking, would everything be ruined? Would her chances to be everything she wanted to be, be ruined? Would she still get to walk in fashion shows and travel the world? He willed the answer to be yes, even though he knew it would probably always be no.

Heaven knows, no one wanted it to be no. Their friends and family were rooting for them, just waiting for the day they finally stopped waiting. All of his thoughts are discarded the second she calls for him from another room and he's immediately smiling and walking towards her. 'Like a damn lovesick fool.' His brain whispers.

He can't stop the smile from spreading across his face when he sees her in the living room looking at more pictures. He can't stop the love from spreading across his chest when she shoots a sweet smile at him, and his brain is again whispering the same thing it had when he'd started his whole debate: 'We can't be just friends.'

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