Lay Me Down.

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So this kinda sucks but I feel so bad that I haven't updated as much lately so here's a prompt to the incredible Sam Smith. Thanks for 55k reads btw, you guys are amazing!


Lay Me Down.

//Yes, I do, I believe

That one day I will be

Where I was right there

Right next to you//

It's different now than the way it used to be. They're not joined at the hip the way they were months ago. They don't take every single chance to meet up whenever they're in the same city. They don't have to fight for the blankets on the bed anymore. They didn't have to tease each other with tiny pecks in the morning. They didn't have to argue about the space on the king sized bed anymore, they weren't together. Bethany was probably in a different bed, in a different city, with a different guy to kiss in the morning, a different guy to argue with about the blankets; and it was killing him.

He screwed up. That wasn't something he was going to deny. What he said, had been said in the heat of the moment, but little did he know just how much disaster a couple of sentences could cause, or how much heartbreak. He knew what he felt for her was unstable, just as much as their 'relationship' was too.

Their trip to 'happily ever after' certainly wasn't going to be easy. He knew that since the first second he decided that he was in love with her. He knew it would be hard, filled with ghosts from the past and whispers of the future that would attempt to break them apart. He knew it but he didn't prepare himself because in his world at the end of the day, it would always be the two of them. They were endgame. It didn't matter how many nights they spent apart because the last day, the last moment, their hands would be entwined again. He would be right there with her again.

It would always be just the two of them.

//And it's hard

The days just seems so dark

The moon, the stars

Are nothing without you//

He had never been such a sucker for love, granted he never had been in love. He loved a tremendous amount but loving someone and being in love had a huge difference. He'd always been unaffected by it, never knew what it was like to be heartbroken, hurt sure, heartbroken? Not so much.

The days that he spent apart from her were hard. When she had previously lit up his world with her smile, they were now dark and gloomy. The moon and stars weren't as bright as before and this time it wasn't because her "eyes put them to shame" the way Derek always said. She just wasn't there to light things up anymore. The moon and stars were beautiful but they were nothing compared to her. They were nothing now that she wasn't there.

//Your touch, your skin

Where do I begin?

No words can explain

The way I'm missing you//

At this point, nothing could replace the feeling of what she was to him. He missed feeling her run her fingers along his chest as she playfully did everyday. He missed seeing her bare midriff and tan skin in her tiny crop tops and leggings. He didn't know where to begin with the way that he was missing her. He didn't just miss her physically, because emotionally he missed her so much more. He missed the love, he missed the connection, he missed everything.

There were no words in his vocabulary- no words in the world that could help him explain how much he missed her. He missed her like a desert missed rain during the summer. He missed her like flowers missed the sun on a cloudy day. And even that wasn't enough to describe the nagging heavy feeling he felt in his chest.

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