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Bethany sat on the couch, a blanket covering her. She turned on the TV to see Dancing with the Stars, immediately being intrigued when she saw Derek and his partner Nina Dobrev being announced. She had been invited to the live show but considering they were dancing the Rumba, the atmosphere would've been a bit awkward though Derek assured her nothing was going on with Nina, and she believed him, they had complete trust in each other.


She watched them perform with a bit of jealousy in her eyes, Nina was gorgeous it was obvious, and she was Derek's type. Though Derek always told her she was the only one he wanted, she couldn't help but compare herself to other women he was linked to, and every time she paled in comparison.


Though she was jealous, she had to admit- Nina could dance, she wouldn't be surprised if they ended up winning the season- yet another reason to cause Bethany worry. She watched them dance, hating the skimpy costumes they put them in- the producers obviously had no sense of modesty. And that was when it happened- the song was on its final notes when Derek pulled Nina close to him, locking his eyes with hers, then his lips. The song ended and Bethany was left in shock, was she really that bad? She felt her phone vibrate and she looked down to see a text from Mark, a sad face.


Bethany threw her phone across the couch in anger, sneering when she saw Len criticize the Rumba, "Too steamy. It was like you guys were having sex on the ballroom floor. The rumba is supposed to be elegant, but that wasn't it." The camera panned to Julianne and Bethany felt herself get even more annoyed at her dreamy look, wasn't Julianne going to remind Derek that he had a girlfriend- and of a year no time less?! "That was great" Julianne started out, "But aren't you two both in relationships?" Julianne looked at Derek with warning in her eyes, like she was telling him he had no idea what she had just gotten into- she was probably right. Derek's eyes widened in realization, like he had just remembered about Beth in that moment. Julianne raised her eyebrows in disapproval but said no more.


Bethany shut off the TV in anger when she watched them celebrate their 31, a seven from Len. Derek would be home any minute now that the show was over- he was in for something, that was all she was going to say. She sat on the couch with a frown on her face, her mood alternating between pissed and devastated. She winced hearing the door open and Derek call her name, she didn't answer. Instead she sat on the couch a blank look on her face looking at Twitter.


Derek walked into the living room, a huge smile on his face, instantly walking to her when he saw her on couch. He moved to press a kiss to her cheek frowning when Bethany turned her face away from his lips. Beth stood up and started to walk to the kitchen, Derek trailing behind her like a lost puppy, "Beth" he called out cautiously. Bethany scoffed in her mind. Did Derek really think he could kiss a girl on national TV and come home to her like nothing happened? Because if he did then he was dead wrong.


Bethany opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle, pushing past Derek who was watching her with a dumbfounded look, like he didn't have any idea why Bethany was acting like she was, but Derek wasn't stupid. "Beth" he called out, he started to frown more when she still didn't answer. He raised his voice, "Bethany!" Still no answer.


Derek grabbed her hand and pulled her to him, asking her the question with his eyes. Bethany had a blank look on her face and looked straight into his eyes with no fear, not letting him see anything past the color of her dark orbs. She pulled her arm out of his grasp and started to walk towards the couch, Derek still trailing after her, "Did you like the show?" He asked. Little did he know that little question would be the cause of something much bigger than the little kiss that wasn't even his idea. Bethany turned around scoffing; not believing Derek really asked her that.

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